Welcome to the Virtual Arisbe On-line Meeting Space!
From this zone of the Arisbe website you can follow the logon link
below to the Diversity University Web Gateway page and enter the
Arisbe on-line meeting space which at the present time is located
there.You can if you wish, find out more about the philosophy, ideals
and organization of Diversity University MOO
by following this link.
This MOO meeting space will offer all interested members of the
Peirce Telecommunity and other guests a chance to 'meet' on-line in a
developing virtual reconstruction of Charles Sanders and Juliette
Peirce's house Arisbe, at Milford , and to chat informally more or
less in real time about Peirce matters.
The acronym MOO as in Diversity University MOO stands for
Multi-user Dimension (or Dialog), Object-Oriented. Systems of this
kind provide a highly interactive user-interface for on-line
communication and also for the development and co-construction of
virtual environments for enhancing and framing such communication by
those who use them, wherever they may be in the world. Those who are
curious about what a MOO is, and how it actually works will find more
information by
following this link.
See also Daniel Schneider's comprehensive
Educational VR page (large: 87kb) for a lot more information and
Minimal instructions for logging on and chatting:
You can move on from here and log on immediately at the
Diversity University Web Gateway
page as 'anonymous' (no password necessary). You should
choose the option "Connect using the integrated interface". You will
then be registered temporarily as a guest and assigned a name at
Guests will always enter Diversity University via the Students'
Union. To get from there to the Arisbe meeting space you will need to
enter the command @go #23820 in the lower part of the
conversational window that will appear at the bottom of you screen
whan you are logged in. Then you should arrive safely at Arisbe. If
anyone else is logged in there at the same time you will see their
character in the same room. "Juliette" will always be there. She is
the proxy character I actually used to build the Arisbe space, and at
the moment "she" owns it. You may therefore also use the command
@join Juliette to get to Arisbe.
Browsers known to work with the integrated system are: Netscape
Navigator 3.0 (Win95, Unix), MS Internet Explorer (Win95). Also the
newest version of Internet Explorer for Macintosh PowerMac seems to
work OK. If you do not have any of these, then you will need to open
a Telnet connection first in order to
connect via the Web Gateway. In this case you would choose the "Open
a Web Window into Diversity University" option
Below are some brief instructions about how to begin talking to
and interacting non-verbally with other people in a MOO.
To say something, type say (or just "), followed by what you want
to say.
eg: say hello will show everyone logged into
that space with you the message:
<your character name>says "hello"
To emote ('non-verbal' messages) something, type emote (or just
:), followed by what you would like to emote.
eg: emote smiles will show everyone logged into
that space with you the message:
<your character name> smiles
There are comprehensive on-line help functions available at
Diversity University from which you can learn more about more
advanced forms of communication, navigation, building and programming
functions. These you will be able to access and read via WWW (or a
Telnet connection) once you are logged in.
The best way to learn more in a virtual community of this kind,
however, is to be open for new friendships and to make contact with
others who may know a bit more than you do, and then ask.
This is an experimental site and all those taking part in any
kinds of activities organised here are hereby invited to participate
in its further development. Send your comments or ideas to me at
Welcome to Virtual Arisbe!
This page contributed by Patrick Coppock
[back then, at the Norwegian University of Technology and Science, Dept. of Applied Linguistics, and currently at the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dept. of Social, Cognitive, and Quantitative Sciences. — B.U.]
Queries, comments, and suggestions to
This page is part of the website
ARISBE http://www.cspeirce.com/menu/people/moo/access.htm
Last Modified by B.U. July 17, 2013, earliest on July 27, 2011 — B.U.
Last modified December 21, 1997 — J.R.