Subject: Arts referred to in Peirce L75
From: Bo Larsson <>
Organization: Praktikertjänst AB
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 20:10
Dear Mr. Ransdell,
As I am a comparatively late student of Peirce I could not possibly answer your question: "Does anyone know what Peirce is referring to as
regards these special arts"? (L75, part 3). I am certainly not such a
person, nor one who "knows" the answer to the question. But I would
nevertheless like to communicate my first reactions to your admirable
publication on the Internet of his "L75", as I think they might have
some relevance to what you are asking for.
When reading Peirce, I was immediatly struck by the large similarities
of his way of philosophizing and that of Husserl's. So I wonder if
Peirce's "arts" have something in common with the explicitly stated
philosophical "methods" of Husserl.
I think that Peirce's prime "art" could correspond to Husserl's "eidetic
insight" (Wesensshau), and his secondary to Husserl's "phenomenological
reduction" (bracketing, epoché). If this is true I think a very
constructive dialogue could appear between Peirce and Husserl scholars.
Yours sincerely,
Bo Larsson
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