Using the Screen
The index panel, to the left, can be resized or even closed completely if you are not using it.
The button panel at the top of the screen is not normally resized or closed but it can be if you wish.
Panels are resized, closed, and opened by dragging on their borders. The text will always re-form itself proportionally to take best advantage of the space available. Any changes you make are only temporary: the screen will revert to its default structure when you leave the document, and you cannot damage anything by doing this. The text as it appears on the pages here is "epiphenomenal" in that no alteration of it affects the text as it is in the standing file from which the browser is reading it,
nor can such alterations be saved. You can of course permanently alter any downloaded copy of it but you cannot corrupt the text itself.
Do not hesitate to change the font size, enlarging or shrinking it to make the screen maximally readable. It is impossible for the designer of the web page to make sure that the right size of type-face is the default, owing to the great variety in equipment and components that are presently used. Your browser program will have a way to compensate for this, though, by a switch on its control panel that says "view" or "font" which enables you to enlarge or shrink the type-face.
The best way to read through a document in the normal linear sequence is usually just to use the vertical scroll bar at the right side of the screen: click on the buttons at the bottom and top of the scroll bar to scroll through the text at a slow pace, and click on the scroll bar close to the down or up button to move rapidly through the document .
You can always move instantly to the top or the bottom of the main document ( i.e. the beginning or the end of it) by clicking on the following buttons:
which appear
on the index panel to the left of the main screen.
You can move instantly to any place in the document that corresponds either to the page location of the text in Volume 2 of the Writings of Charles S. Peirce or to the paragraph location of the text in Volume 5 of the Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce by using the numerical jump tables for these respective editions. These tables will appear in the index panel when you click on the word JUMPTABLES in that panel.
This makes it easy to find referenced passages in the secondary literature on Peirce and also to document in the customary manner one's own reference to or quotation from passages in the text.
You can also use the jump tables to go through the document page by page or paragraph by paragraph, and you may prefer that at times to using the scroll bar. The clicking of a number on a table instantly scrolls the text in the document panel to that page, the number for which will appear on or near the top line of the document as it appears in the main document panel.
Peirce's footnotes are attached as end notes and can be moved to and from by
clicking on their reference numbers in the text or in the notes themselves.
The entire paper, including footnotes, can be printed out with a single print command since it is all
contained on a single web "page". It will appear in proper format much as it appears on screen -- hopefully -- depending on the capacities of your printer and the vagaries of your browser program. This can be VERY slow if done in color but often produces attractive results in a reasonably short time when the printer is set to greyscale or to black and white.
It can also be printed out as ASCII text, with some format loss but possibly little or no significant loss in content, assuming it does not involve graphical figures. Use the "SELECT ALL" command on your browser, which is probably in the EDIT menu, then hit COPY to copy it all into computer memory (e.g. to the "clipboard"), and then PASTE it to any editor or word processor with the capacity to handle a text of this size. This will yield a document that is still formatted by paragraphs, usually not requiring much additional work to be readable.
Another way is to use the SAVE AS command (or the equivalent) in the EDIT panel of your browser: this usually gives you the option of saving either in HTML or in ASCII directly to your hard disk.
Still another method of retrieval is to send the paper to oneself (or to anyone else) by email, as an attachment, which is a method provided for by most browsers as a matter of a single mouse click. Upon receipt it can then be handled in various ways depending on the capacities of the receiver's email system and printer.
Your browser probably provides a simple string search facility for the document. We will be adding more adequate search facilities soon.
Hyper text jumps to other documents that are part of this web site and to documents elsewhere will be added as they are contributed or found to be helpful, and, of course, as time permits.
Various sorts of annotational and personalized reader mark-up facilities will be added as they become available in the next few years, assuming that enough interest is sustained in Peirce studies to encourage people to contribute ideas, time, and whatever else it may take to develop facilities of this sort at Arisbe.
-- Joseph Ransdell