PEIRCE-L Digest for Friday, November 22, 2002.

NOTE: This record of what has been posted to PEIRCE-L
has been nodified by omission of redundant quotations in
the messages. both for legibility and to save space.
-- Joseph Ransdell, PEIRCE-L manager/owner]

1. Re: Apology
2. Re: logic's logic
3. Re: Jamesian Impasse
4. Re: History of American Thought - Featured Area
5. Re: Identity & Teridentity
6. Re: Jamesian Impasse
7. Re: logic's logic
8. Re: History of American Thought - Featured Area
9. Re: History of American Thought - Featured Area
10. Re: logic's logic
11. Re: Identity & Teridentity
12. re: logic's logic
13. Re: Identity & Teridentity
14. Re: logic's logic
15. Re: Identity & Teridentity
16. Re: logic's logic
17. Re: History of American Thought - Featured Area
18. Re: Identity & Teridentity
19. Re: Identity & Teridentity
20. Re: logic's logic
21. Re: Identity & Teridentity
22. Re: Identity & Teridentity
23. Re: New List & Classification of Signs
24. Re: Classification Of Signs
25. Re: Jamesian Impasse
26. Re: logic's logic
27. Re: logic's logic
28. Re: logic's logic
29. Re: Identity & Teridentity
30. Re: Identity & Teridentity
31. Re: Identity & Teridentity
32. Re: Identity & Teridentity
33. Classification Of Signs
34. Theory Of Relations
35. Re: Theory Of Relations


Subject: Re: Apology
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 02:16:54 EST
X-Message-Number: 1


You wrote:

<< thanks, howard, i do understand that a certain about of friction
is to be expected when interacting with people who are passionate
about what they do, and i will still prefer it to the alternatives,
but thanks for your good wishes, at any rate, jon awbrey.

Thanks for your gracious reply, Jon. I guess I must admit that I do sometimes
listen in ! --even when I am trying to focus on something that seems, for all
the world, pretty distant. In any case, I should not have sent the posting to
the list, and I must again say it was unintended and out of place. Perhaps it
was not without a little passion of the moment, too. It was a long day on the
list yesterday.

Today is another day.


H.G. Callaway


Subject: Re: logic's logic
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 02:29:16 EST
X-Message-Number: 2

Cahty Legg wrote:

<< How about natural deduction (Gentzen, I think?)'s rules of introduction
and elimination of operators (e.g. and, or...)? There is something
analogous here, I think...

BTW, I have heard these rules praised (by Robert Brandom, actually) as a
pragmatist approach to logic, as the system defines operators purely in
terms of how they are USED (introduced and eliminated).>>

There you have part of my point Cathy. This is not quite the same as Peirce's
graphs, but there is certainly some interesting similarity. In fact there are
no axioms in natural deduction, just rules for the connectives (and for the
quantifiers, of course) plus "R" for reiteration --which basically helps keep
track of the conditionality of provisional assumptions on subsequent steps of
deduction. In fact this is the kind of logic I was chiefly exposed to in
graduate school --these many years ago. Whatever the claims we may make for
Peirce's graphs, systems of natural deduction are elegant and compellingly
functional in their treatment of basic logic.

More on this later, perhaps. I wonder if Bernard is familar with some of this.

H.G. Callaway



Subject: Re: Jamesian Impasse
From: "Axel Schlotzhauer"
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 13:31:53 +0100
X-Message-Number: 3

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 21:42:36 -0800
"R. Jeffrey Grace" <
rjgrace[…]> wrote:
> Axel,
> Sorry for the delay in replying to your post! I've been
> trying out
> several different ISP's after a move from my old one so
> have therefore
> been bouncing between email accounts. I'm also in the
> middle of my
> thesis (A Critique of the Non-reductive Physicalist
> Account of the Human
> Person and the Abandonment of the Soul) for an MA in
> Theology so am not
> being as attentive to the list as I should be! I say
> should be because
> after having supplied the article you commented on I
> should at least try
> and follow through on any comments made!
> ___
> An interesting article indeed contradicting the active
> pro-
> testant pragmatic wing of William James towards his
> inactive catholic fellow at Harvard, Peirce, if I take
> for
> the latter this sending this article to Peirce-list.
> Well,
> perhaps the musing or perhaps also amusing of Peirce is
> perhaps similar to the defended contemplative approach.
> 1) But it is doubtful if it is a fault of the Aquinas
> sepa-
> rating active oikoimeia with Christ from theology. A
> refe-
> rence is not giving. Following Aristotelean philosophy
> it should be an absolute unity.
> ___
> I agree with your assesment of Aquinas' christology and
> also agree that
> there really is no seperation between his doctrine of the
> Trinity and
> the Christ of living faith. I'm not sure that the author
> of the article
> disagrees with us on this though! I'm pretty sure he
> sees the two as a
> unity as well. I think his point was that some
> theologians, such as La
> Cunga, being influenced by James seem to have made the
> mistaken move of
> seeing the two as seperate and competing visions.
No, Cunga claims the Aquinas having made already such fault
of separating active and contemplative christendom in his
theology and oikunomeia forgetting the christian unity of
both. It's not James having made such separation. I put in
my posting a certain difference seen by the prostestant-
catholic schism accusing the catholic monks and priests of
contemplative laziness separated from and not working in
this world. But similarily such accusation is made by
hegelianism as a basis of American pragmatism against the
Schleiermachian wing of German idealist philosophy being
socially lazy and not engaged in the real world of the
working class by the pietistically only contemplative
services outside reality based solely on pious feelings.
Bruno Bauer and Ludwig Feuerbach already accused the prote-
stantism of 1840 of such attitudes and Karl Marx especially
together with Friedrich Engels accused the new pietist
Prussian king together with Bruno Bruno being a "Holy
family" only contemplating on Christ and not looking for
the social necessities of their time. You see this way
Bruno Bauer was made dialectically against truth a sort
of Schleiermacher although Bauer critisized Schleiermacher.

But such dialectical operations were not made by James but
in the schism of pragmatism 1908 by Dewey and Mead although
they "kept" dialectically the Jamesian heritage and later
accepted on a logical basis the Peircean one although
also was severed in the said pragmatist schism from the
Dewey and Mead line as an "objective, absolute idealist".
> 2) If there is any Schleiermachian wing and theology in
> pragmatism it is James's fellow at Harvard, Josiah Royce,
> representing it at the theologic department. The
> speciality
> of James is Swedenborgianism by his father and Christian
> Science by the theosophical movement. Perhaps the
> copyright
> allows a sending of this posting to the William James
> list
> for further discussion.
> ___
> Sure! I don't see any reason why it couldn't be shared
> there as well!
Ok, perhaps I will do this sending of your posting.

> All pragmatist wings have Schleiermacher and empathy,
> shared
> with the German phenomology of Lipps and Husserl
> (Einf|hlung), in their account. See Mead's article on
> Schleiermacher (1897) and the discipleship of Carl Rogers
> towards Dewey with his dissertation (1928) also applying
> understanding and empathy in his client-centered therapy.
> 3) Not only James is for an active christendom in this
> world but also Dewey (1881) und Mead (1892) with sunday
> and preach addresses towards the YMCA. Speaking of an
> Jamesian impasse is therefore not correct, perhaps with
> the exception of a lazy and scandalous Peirce at coastal
> guard contemplating pragmatism from first- up to
> thirdness.
> Axel
> I have no doubt about James, et al being for an active
> Christianity! I
> think the point was that they see an active Christianity
> as being
> opposed to a contemplative Christianity. I guess the
> question is: is an
> active Christianity really opposed to comteplative
> Christianity? Also,
> the argument seems to be that the only true action flows
> from
> contemplation.
> Anyway, that's how it seems to me, although I could be
> mistaken. ;>
> Thanks for your comments!
> ---
> R. Jeffrey Grace
> <>
I don't think, that in the case of James such separation
of the active and contemplative side exists by James's pro-
nounced aestheticism being not so active like Dewey and
Mead. I think James is nearer to Peirce in such respect as
to Dewey and Mead with their pronounced social activities
in Chicago together with Jane Addams and their Hull house
and in the City Council of Chicago and Dewey later in
wide politics. And James tried to keep the different
tist wings together in a reconciable way seeing not so much
difference between them, which Peirce shall have
accentuated if James mitigated them (so Westbrook 1988).

But the said article you cite tries to make a difference as
an Jamesian impasse which in my view does not exist. Only
if you take the separation of the politically active
pragmatist wing of Mead and Dewey from James, Peirce and
in the questions of pacifism also from Jane Addams as the
decisive point you will have an Jamesian (and Peircean)
Impasse like you have in younghegelianism already a
Schleiermachian opposite foreshadowed already the
of the same lecture hours of Fichte and Hegel and Schleier-
macher separating the students with a majority of students
for the dialectics and theology of Schleiermacher.

I hope these many dialectical operations and their
cies are discernible for the reader without losing the red


> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 13:12:26 -0800
> "Ronald Grace" <
> G1037437707.3&start=2051243&len=4385&src=&type=x> >
> wrote:
> > Fellow Peirce-sters,
> >
> > I have made a link to the article entitle "Beyond the
> > Jamesian Impasse in Trinitarian Theology" by Matthew
> > Levering, which I mentioned earlier on this list, that
> > appears in the latest issue of The Thomist. The link
> to
> > access the document (which is in Word format) is:
> >
> amesianImpasse%2ehtm> This link
> > should work regardless of the version of your browser!
> >
> > I've put a legal notice on the page regarding fair use.
> > It sounds like Judge Dread, but it's just a CYA for
> > myself. Our use of the text is completely legal
> > according to the statute and I've made the URL private,
> > so I think I'm in the clear. ;>
> >
> ---
> R. Jeffrey Grace
> <>
> ---
> Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to:


Subject: Re: History of American Thought - Featured Area
From: "Joseph Ransdell" <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 06:56:33 -0600
X-Message-Number: 4

In case you overlooked the message from Alison Lewis of the Thoemmes Press,
reproduced below, I want to draw your attention to it because there is
presently a rare window of opportunity open there to access some very
important materials relative to Peirce, namely, the material in the volumes
called JOSIAH ROYCE'S LATE WRITINGS (2 volumes).

Royce's late work (the last few years of his life, from 1911 on) is VERY
heavily indebted to Peirce, to the extent that one can say that Royce had
become a Peircean, as he understood Peirce. We should routinely regard
Royce as the fourth of the "classical figures" in pragmatism, in my opinion,
assuming Peirce, James, and Dewey are the first three, but this assumes that
it is understood that this applies to Royce particularly in virtue of his
late writings. In any cse, tvery interesting material being made available
there, some of it directly relevant to recent discussions here on several
different topics. Check it out. You never know how long material like
this will be available on-line, as it presently is, presumably owing to the
Thoemmes Press's desire to interest people in the material in American
philosophy it is making availale in print now. The Press seems to be
primarily oriented towards collections which academic libraries will or
should be wanting to acquire, and if you are in position to recommend some
things to some library for acquisition you should point them to what they
are making available at the Press. If money is no problem for you
personally, you may want to acquire a lot of it for your own library.

I notice that Thoemmes is now the place to go to get the 8 volume Collected
Papers, by the wayt, though the set is going for nearly a thousand dollars!
If you can afford it and don't have that set it is money well spent, but
bear in mind that you can also get the Colleted Papers in digitized form on
a CD-ROM from INTELEX, which you will want to have even if you also have the
paper volumes, for only a little more than 100 dollars (125, as I recall).
Ideally, one wants both, but the CD-ROM version is the better tool for
working with Peirce. The paper version has its usual advantage of superior
browsability, but for tracking things down you want the digitized and
string-searchable version. (It makes a GREAT difference -- difficult to
overemphasize -- to be able to string search through the Collected Papers,
in comparison with trying to find stuff using the conceptual indices in the
paper volumes. If the digitized version has been available when I first got
into Peirce in the early 60's it would have saved me years of time spent
trying to track things down in the CP.) You will want the new edition of
his work -- The Writings of CSP -- too, needless to say. But marvelous as
these volumes are as scholarly products -- the first six volumes are
available thus far -- the CP will not be superseded by the new edition for
many years to come, unfortunately. A digitized version of the new edition
is also being made available by INTELEX, but I am not sure whether or not it
is available yet.

Here, again, is the Thoemmes Press announcement about its offerings:

Joseph Ransdell,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alison Lewis" <
To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" <
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 11:13 AM
Subject: [peirce-l] History of American Thought - Featured Area

> > Apologies for cross-postings
> >
> > Dear list members
> >
> > Thoemmes Press is an independent publishing company based in Bristol,
> > We publish multi-volume sets of books which make available rare, primary
> > source materials to the academic library market.
> >
> > We are very pleased to announce that we have recently updated our
> > of American Thought featured area to include:
> >
> > - biographical encyclopedia entries of figures who contributed to the
> > History of American Thought
> > - links to relevant external sites
> > - details of all our contributors and authors working in this field of
> > study
> > - online book introductions (for further details see the section below)
> > - details of all the titles in this programme, both published and
> > forthcoming
> >
> > A major feature of the site is the entire contents of the two-volume
> > 'Josiah Royce's Late Writings: A Collection of Unpublished and Scattered
> > Works' (published by Thoemmes Press in 2001. All these resources are
> > available free to all our website users. Simply visit
> >
> >
> > Many of our collections feature new introductions by contemporary
> > which are extensive works in themselves. Some are up to 30 pages in
> > length, and many contain bibliographical information. As part of our
> > special History of American thought feature, we are delighted to be able
> > to offer you the following introductions:
> >
> > The Early American Reception of German Idealism -
> > Introduction Vol. 1 - Rauch
> > Introduction Vol. 2 - Marsh
> > Introduction Vol. 3 - Hedge
> > Introduction Vol. 4 - Hickok
> > Introduction Vol. 5 - Everett
> >
> >
> > The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 1867-1893
> >
> >
> > Selected Works of James Mark Baldwin
> >
> >
> > Big Business and the Muck-Rakers, 1900-1910
> >
> >
> > John Dewey and American Education
> >
> >
> > Darwinism and Theology in America: 1850-1930
> >
> >
> > You can access all our online introductions at
> >
> > Please do make use of these free resources and be sure to tell your
> > colleagues and students.
> >
> > With best wishes
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Alison Lewis, Marketing Manager
> > Thoemmes Press, 11 Great George Street, BRISTOL, BS1 5RR, UK
> > Tel: 0117 929 1377 Fax: 0117 922 1918
> >
> > To subscribe to our e-newsletter, please visit our website at
> >
> >
> ---
> Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to:


Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: Jon Awbrey <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 08:02:30 -0500
X-Message-Number: 5


I&T. Note 13



My mention of "position" and "momentum" is
meant to be an allusion to the whole matter
of "particles" and "waves", which has gotta
be one of the first false oppositions that
I ever got catechized into my grey matter.

A false dichotomy is one that is presented
as a dilemma between A and ~A, in the same
sense, of the same thing, at the same time,
when it's not really that kind of relation.

Position versus Momentum, like all of the other
complementary aspects or conjugate variables of
physics or psychology or philosophy or whatever --
where complementary angles are those that unite
in a right angle, and do not summa to opposites --
are not a good basis for a pro-ism/con-ism pair.

Thus, they are more like the adic case than the tomic case:

q p
^ ^
\ / instead of q <---[…]---> p

The matter of Wave vs Particle does not docket a case of A vs ~A,
but a case of an A and a B that constitute complemenatry aspects
of whatever the hec it is that is going on immanent/transcendent
to the physical phenomenon in question.

So we have to watch out for the pseudon protons.

The way I see it, <denotation | connotation>, <extension | intension>,
and many others, are very likely complementations and not oppositions.

Sincerly Yours,

Poly-Ana (that's Greek for "many ways up, and back, and again")



Subject: Re: Jamesian Impasse
From: "Joseph Ransdell" <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 07:04:00 -0600
X-Message-Number: 6

OH, okay, at least one of them got through okay, Jeff, I just now discovered
upon checking my mail again, though I didn't receive a copy of it myself but
know of it only through Axel's post.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Axel Schlotzhauer" <
To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" <
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 6:31 AM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: Jamesian Impasse




Subject: Re: logic's logic
From: Bernard Morand <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 14:07:10 +0100
X-Message-Number: 7

At 21:23 21/11/02 +0100, Howard wrote:

> >Bernard, Cathy, list,
> >
> >You wrote the following to Cathy, and I do not want to pre-empt her=
> >here, but instead I want to try to comment on the nature of the problem.=
> >may be that you are familiar with some versions of logic and not others,
> >Bernard.

This is unfortunately true!

>In particular you mention the idea of logic as an axiom system. It
> >certainly can be so formulated, but it need not be so formulated. Often
> >standard logic is formulated as a set of rules for operating on (zero or
> >more) premises, and the rules may be viewed as something like "re-write"
> >rules.

Very happy that you are taking up the term of "re-writing" because it is a=
part of my questions about what is logic (as well as what are the different=
kinds of logic). This came to me from studies on software design. Although=
it can seem to be an aside I tell you the story briefly, as I see it. For a=
long time and mainly in the database subfield, people used to speak about=20
three levels of design respectively called conceptual, logical and physical=
(the terms are themselves loosely defined and I think that it would be=20
safer to don't interpret "logical" in the usual sense taken by logicians).=
At the conceptual level people used an "entity-relationship model" in order=
to "represent" the domain of interest. It's constructs (entities and=20
associations) makes it a kind of simple semantic net.
At the logical level a current standard is the relational model the=20
constructs of which are issued from the mathematical set theory, making it=
very helpful due to its computing properties. I discard the physical level=
the purpose of which relies on technical optimization of the computing=20
itself (a place where re-writing rules don't work). The question evidently=
arose of knowing how one could pass from the conceptual model to the=20
logical one in order to make a computer application. It is important for=20
the story to say that two kinds of people were involved, one for each=20
level. At the conceptual level there were project leaders, at the logical=20
we had databases engineers. So two communities and two languages. The=20
conceptual community thought roughly that her work was the only one and=20
that putting the stuff into the database was some kind of technical detail.=
On the other hand you guess that for the database community it was just the=
converse. The interesting point is: how does the conflict was solved? It=20
was solved in putting syntactic constraints from the relational model=20
(namely the first normal form) up to the conceptual model. This allowed to=
state re-writing rules from the conceptual level into the logical one and a=
very simple algorithm can do that.
If we read such a story with our discussion in mind, we see that the=20
solution to the conflict relied on maintaining the information constant in=
passing from the conceptual model to the logical one. This is the=20
characteristic of deductive reasoning and this proper job is manifest by=20
the re-writing or substitution rules. I take "information" here in the=20
technical sense of Peirce (see the quotes from Jon to the list and the=20
Extension-Comprehension paper). But deduction, if it is a very useful tool=
for analysis, is of few service for reasonings where information, that is=20
to say the state of knowledge, varies (induction and abduction). It is even=
worse when deduction is mistakenly applied to the latter cases. And this=20
was quite the case for my database story. It prevented from acknowledging=20
that computer implementation should be information creative. So a lot of=20
drawbacks with which I will not annoy yourself.

>They say, in effect "if you already have something of such-and-such a
> >form (say, a conjunction P&Q), then you can go on to write (on the next=
> line)
> >something of so-and-so a form (e.g., if we have P&Q to start, the the=
> >or "and elimination" allows us to write either of P or Q on the next=
> >Or, again, there is the rule of vI --"or introduction" which says, in
> >that if you have any statement P, then you can go on and write the
> >disjunction of P with any other statement on the next line. I am=20
> thinking of
> >a system of rules for propositional logic here which has two rules for=
> >connective, one for its introduction and one for its elimination. In
> >there is usually a rule R which allows you to re-write or reiterate=20
> anything
> >already proved above in a proof or deduction.

OK. But I think that there is a need to distinguish between
- rules that allow transformations of assertions without change of the=20
state of knowledge. Such rules are preserving information ones. They work=20
into the inner machinery of the notation and they are needed for such a=20
service. I wonder if this is not really the purpose of the "Conventions" in=
Peirce's EG
- rules that allow transformations of the sheet of assertions itself, that=
is to say a change in the state of knowledge. I wonder if this is not the=20
purpose of the "Rules" in Peirce's EG.
In fact it is more complex because assertions as well as the sheet of=20
assertions are graphs. As to the rules for inserting or eliminating=20
connectives that you are suggesting I don't see in which of the=20
distinctions they could fit. Or may be my distinction isn't the good one. I=
have to think more about this.

> By the way, the rule for "not"
> >elimina-tion allows one to eliminate negation signs, two at a time.

This one fits clearly into the first category

>It is
> >almost as thought we imagined all the symbols carved into little wooden
> >block, and the rules allow you to reconstruct the (well-formed) rows of
> >blocks, to form new rows, where the results which arise from following=
> >rules will be true statements if the premises are true. This is not quite
> >Peirce, of course --but it suggests to me the idea of experimen-tation on
> >symbols --something like actually moving around the physical examples of=
> the
> >signs. So, I submit that following such rules, if you make a mistake,=
> >you will see it, or at least one can learn to see it.

I have not understood this point (experimentation on symbols and physical=20
examples of the signs)


> >
> >Logic and logics may have many equivalent formulations, though seeing the
> >equivalence is not always easy.
> >
> >Howard
> >
> >H.G. Callaway
> >(
> >
> ><< A last point to Cathy. I understand that your point was quite=
> > because you seemed to make it from a pragmatist position: if S1 and S2=
> lead
> > to the same results, why bother with all that? But on this subject of
> > logic's logic, the effect is not the result ; the effect is the method.=
> Not
> > perceiving this leads directly to the current account of EG: EG are=20
> nothing
> > but graphical formulae. But as they are complex, not easy to understand=
> and
> > to manipulate, it is better to make use of the well known symbolic=20
> formulae
> > (see the quotes from Quine and some others in the DDR's introduction).=
> This
> > amounts, I think, to escape the very problem of the logical method, in
> > conflating it within the logical language and its inner formal=
> > This is the real purpose of substitution: to ascertain that there could=
> not
> > be errors in any case. But with insertions and erasures the alternative
> > procedure is: if you are mistaken you will see it. Because there could=
> > errors in every case. >>
> >
> >---
> >Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber
> >To unsubscribe send a blank email to:
> >
> >

Bernard Morand
D=E9partement Informatique
Institut Universitaire de Technologie BP53 14123 Ifs Cedex France
TEL (33) 02 31 52 55 34 FAX (33) 02 31 52 55 22


Subject: Re: History of American Thought - Featured Area
From: "Joseph Ransdell" <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 07:10:28 -0600
X-Message-Number: 8

Here is something from the Royce volumes mentioned in my previous message:

Joe Ransdell


Excerpted from Royce's First Berkeley Lecture, 20 July 1914, and reproduced
in fuller detail in Josiah Royce's Late Writings, vol. 2, pp. 1-19:

--------------QUOTE ROYCE--------------------
Although I long knew Peirce personally, and have been for many years
interested in his theories, there were some aspects of Peirce's theory of
knowledge which I never understood until, in connection with my own efforts
to work out the relations of my philosophy of loyalty to other branches of
philosophy, and, in particular, in connection with my review of the problem
of the essence of Christianity, I was lead [sic] to reread some of Peirce's
early logical contributions, and to reconsider the way in which these his
earlier theories had worked themselves out in the form which some of his
later studies indicate. Then I came to see, with increasing clearness, that
Peirce's whole career as a student of logic and of scientific method was
devoted to a few fairly simple and obvious ideas, which have nevertheless
been very imperfectly understood, just as great and obvious ideas usually
are neglected and misunderstood. When I hereupon tried to restate these
central ideas of Peirce, I found that, if once grasped and held before one's
mind, they supply one with a theory of knowledge which I ought to have
understood and used long ago. I often had heard Peirce state, in his own
attractive but baffling way, this theory of knowledge. I had supposed it to
be fairly well known to me. Yet I had never understood its real force, until
I thus saw it in the light of this new review. Then indeed, I observed its
close connection with what I had been seeking to formulate in my philosophy
of loyalty. I saw also how many aspects of philosophical idealism, when this
Peircean theory of knowledge was brought to bear upon them, got a new
concreteness, a new significance, and a new relation to the methods and to
the presuppositions of inductive science. Thus, by the aid of Peirce, I was
led to those considerations about the theory of knowledge which I have tried
to set forth in the second volume of my Problem of Christianity.

Joe Ransdell


Subject: Re: History of American Thought - Featured Area
From: "Joseph Ransdell" <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 07:33:49 -0600
X-Message-Number: 9

Here is a longer excerpt from the Royce volumes, from the Berkeley lectures
in Volume II, which includes the passage I quoted from Royce in the previous
message but provides a better context for it:

-------------QUOTE ROYCE------------------------
As most of you know, philosophy is a subject in the study of which one thing
easily leads to another, in ways which are often unexpected. The special
connection between the philosophy of loyalty and the theory of knowledge is
one which I myself had not in any conscious way in mind when, in 1907 and
1908, I first set forth my doctrine of loyalty in the form in which my
volume, entitled The Philosophy of Loyalty, was prepared. The discovery that
just the views about ethics which emphasized the term and the idea of
loyalty as I now emphasize them are intimately and in fact logically bound
up with a particular theory of the scope and the process of human knowledge
has come to me as something unexpected. Of course I had always held, as a
philosophical student of idealistic tendencies must inevitably hold, that
the problems of ethics and these of the theory of knowledge have deep and
close connections. And if, in 1907 or 1908, at the moment when I was
preparing and publishing the volume on loyalty, you had asked me to tell
what the spirit of loyalty presupposes about the nature and range of our
knowledge, I not only should have had some answer ready, but in attempting
to make my answer explicit, I should have expanded views that are actually
set forth in outline in the seventh and eighth lectures of the book in


Nevertheless, a more recent study of the matter has brought me to view the
problem of knowledge in a light which has been, to me, a decided novelty.
Wherein this novelty consists, you may be able to learn by a reading of the
second volume of a recent book of mine, entitled The Problem of
Christianity - published in 1913.

As an acquaintance of that work will show you, these recent studies in the
theory of knowledge are due, in a large measure, to some long neglected
essays of our most brilliant and original American logician, Mr. Charles
Peirce. And when, in the third and fourth of these conferences, I discuss in
your presence these matters, I shall have to pay in passing a renewed
tribute - very brief, I fear, and inadequate - to the memory of Mr. Peirce,
who is now very recently dead. I have for many years been deeply interested
in Peirce's logical theories, and in discussions with William James, I used
years ago to recur to them very often, and, in my own way, to call attention
to them in essays that I printed. But the interests which for many years
kept William James himself in close personal touch with Charles Peirce's
thought and which made James regard Peirce as, in a sense, the father of
James's own form of the doctrine called Pragmatism, were never the interests
which most appealed to me. James's Charles Peirce and mine were never, so to
speak, the same man. Nor did James himself ever view the problems of
philosophy as Peirce from his youth onwards did. And Charles Peirce never
taught, and in fact never approved, James's peculiar type of pragmatism; so
that recent pragmatism contains many features for which Peirce is in no
sense responsible. Peirce himself often pointed out this fact.

Thus then, although I long knew Peirce personally, and have been for many
years interested in his theories, there were some aspects of Peirce's theory
of knowledge which I never understood until, in connection with my own
efforts to work out the relations of my philosophy of loyalty to other
branches of philosophy, and, in particular, in connection with my review of
the problem of the essence of Christianity, I was lead to reread some of
Peirce's early logical contributions, and to reconsider the way in which
these his earlier theories had worked themselves out in the form which some
of his later studies indicate. Then I came to see, with increasing
clearness, that Peirce's whole career as a student of logic and of
scientific method was devoted to a few fairly simple and obvious ideas,
which have nevertheless been very imperfectly understood, just as great and
obvious ideas usually are neglected and misunderstood. When I hereupon tried
to restate these central ideas of Peirce, I found that, if once grasped and
held before one's mind, they supply one with a theory of knowledge which I
ought to have understood and used long ago. I often had heard Peirce state,
in his own attractive but baffling way, this theory of knowledge. I had
supposed it to be fairly well known to me. Yet I had never understood its
real force, until I thus saw it in the light of this new review. Then
indeed, I observed its close connection with what I had been seeking to
formulate in my philosophy of loyalty. I saw also how many aspects of
philosophical idealism, when this Peircean theory of knowledge was brought
to bear upon then, got a new concreteness, a new significance and a new
relation to the methods and to the presuppositions of inductive science.
Thus, by the aid of Peirce, I was led to those considerations about the
theory of knowledge which I have tried to set forth in the second volume of
my Problem of Christianity, and, which in the third and fourth of these
conferences I shall try to sketch to you.


Since I have said something about my indebtedness to Peirce for this aspect
of my recent studies of these topics, I ought to add that I had the
satisfaction of sending my book, The Problem of Christianity, to Peirce, and
of calling to his attention what I there say, in my second volume, about his
own theories of knowledge, and about my personal indebtedness to him.

Peirce received the volumes in May, 1913. He was then slowly dying of an
incurable malady. He wrote me a very kind letter of acknowledgment which I
deeply prize, and which showed that my so belated effort to understand and
to expound the side of his opinions which was in question in this book, had
received, despite his feebleness and his age, a reasonable and an
unexpectedly careful, although necessarily a very summary attention, and
that my interpretation of him gained on the whole his approval.

I am grateful to the fortune which enabled me to exchange a last greeting
with this so sadly solitary scholar, just before he passed away in the
lonely dwelling place where his last years were spent. I am glad to believe
that a word about Peirce's work and its interesting relations to the
problems of the philosophy of loyalty may help some of you to appreciate,
not only those problems, but the wonderful way in which the most practical
issues of human life are interwoven with the most abstruse inquiries of
logic and of the theory of knowledge.
-------------END QUOTE FROM ROYCE------------------

Joe Ransdell


Subject: Re: logic's logic
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 08:45:06 EST
X-Message-Number: 10

Bernard, Cathy, list,

Commenting on the description I offered of natural deduction, viz,

<<It is almost as thought we imagined all the symbols carved into little
block, and the rules allow you to reconstruct the (well-formed) rows of
blocks, to form new rows, where the results which arise from following the
rules will be true statements if the premises are true. This is not quite
Peirce, of course --but it suggests to me the idea of experimentation on
symbols --something like actually moving around the physical examples of
the signs. So, I submit that following such rules, if you make a mistake, then
you will see it, or at least one can learn to see it.

You said, Bernard,


So perhaps it will help if I illustrate the idea in more detail. Of course,
this does not directly address your other various questions and comments,
including your little story. But I hope it may at least help in connection
with the relationship between natural deduction and Peirce's graphs. See what
you think.

I hope the format comes through. The (segments of) vertical lines are
borrowed from Jon's postings.

Peirce's Law = [(P > Q) >P] > P (A truth-functional truth)

Proof by natural deduction

1. | |(P > Q) > P
| |---------------
2. | | | -P
| | |---------
3. | | | (P > Q) > P R, 1
4. | | | -P R, 2
5. | | | | P
| | | |------
6. | | | | | -Q
| | | | | -------
7. | | | | | P R, 5
8. | | | | | -P R, 2
9. | | | | --Q -I, 6-(7,8)
10. | | | | Q -E, 9
11. | | | P > Q >I, 5-10
12. | | | P >E, 3, 11
13. | | --P -I, 2-(4,12)
14. | | P -E, 13
15 | [(P > Q) > P] > P >I, 1-14.

Notice that the statement (1) is not an assumption of the proof overall,
instead it functions as a provisional assumption in connection with the use
of the rule >I at line 15 --at which point, the provisional assumption at
line 1 is said to be "discharged." --so that the proof rests on no
assumptions, only the use of the rules. This point is signified here by the
fact that the rule >I requires us to move back one vertical line from the
line on which the provisional assumption at 1, is stated.

The strategy of the proof is as follows. The statement to be proved is a
conditional "[(P > Q) > P] > P" --with the third horseshoe as its main
connective. So, to prove this form of statement, the plan is to provisionally
assume the antecedent of the conditional viz. "[(P > Q) > P]" and see if it
is possible to derive the consequent "P".

The plan for deriving "P" under that assumption is to derive it from its
double negation (line 13), using -E. But how do we get "--P" at line 13? The
strategy there is to treat it as a negation, and to derive it by the rule of
-I --which is basically a version of reductio argument. So, to prove --P, we
proceed to assume the unnegated form "-P" at line 2 and aim to show that a
contradiction follows. Half of the needed contradiction is already sitting
there at line 2, as our assumption in connection with the use of the rule -I,
so, line 2 is reiterated at line 4; and having noticed that line 1 contains
the other half of the needed contradiction (as consequent of the conditional
"(P > Q) > P," we aim to get out that consequent by >E (which functions like
modus ponens). Hence, line 1 is reiterated at line 3.

Now to use line 3, to derive "P" under the assumption of -P (at line 2),
using >E, we need to have the antecedent of the conditional at line 3, viz.,
"P > Q." That state-ment is a conditional, and it therefore makes sense to
try to derive it by >I --you assume the antecedent, and then try to derive
the consequence. So, the antecedent "P" is the provisional assumption of the
use of >I (which finishes up at line 11). Now we need to get from "P" at line
5, to "Q" at line 10. How are we to derive the state-ment "Q"? The answer
that works out is to derive it from its double negation by -E. To get "--Q",
we use -I (again) --assuming the unnegated form "-Q" at line 6, and aiming to
derive a contradiction. By this time, we notice that the needed
contradic-tion is already sitting there among our provisional assumptions
--at lines 2 and 5, so 2 and 5 are reiterated at lines 7 and 8.

Thus we have it, overall, that if the antecedent of Peirce's law is true,
then so is the consequence, i.e., Peirce's law is a truth-functional truth.

Obviously, the real fun with this system of rules comes in learning to use
the strate-gies associated with each of the two rules for each of the
connectives. Things do not always run very smoothly, and one approach may
have to be given up and another tried. There are related systems of rules and
graphic representation of statements which allow one to show the decidability
of truth-functional logic. This is sometimes described in terms of "semantic

But instead of going into that, it might prove useful to re-describe the
proof above, in relation to its strategy, as a matter of experimenting with
symbols. Imagine, then, that the needed symbols "P" and "Q" and ">" and "-",
etc. are written out on little wooden blocks so that we can move the parts
around in accord with the rules and strategies.

Looking at the matter in that way, we can view the statement to be proved as
written on a string of 11 blocks:

"[" "(" "P" ">" "Q" ")" ">" "P" "]" ">" "P"

But we are also interpreting the entire string, such that "P" and "Q" are
statements or sentences, with some truth-value or other, and that ">" or
"only if" is to be under-stood, perhaps, by reference to a truth-table for
the connective. Generally, a state-ment of the form "A > B" is true, iff it
is not the case that "A" is true and "B" is false. The statement we want to
prove is of this form with "[(P > Q) >P]" corresponding to the A part and "P"
corresponding to the B part --it is the function of "(" and ")" and so forth
to show the grammatical groupings to which the rules make reference.

The rule >I is the key to the overall strategy, since it regularly produces
conditional statements of the form A > B. What the rule says is, in effect,
take the antecedent of the conditional you want to prove and see if you can
construct the consequent of that conditional out of it, by moving the blocks
around, adding and deleting (in syntactically specifiable groups) in accord
with the rules (including syntactic rules of statement composition here
unstated). If you can so construct the consequent from the antecedent in
accordance with what the rules allow, then you have a proof of the
truth-functional truth of the conditional. So start by separating the
antecedent and consequent of the statement to be proved. Put the antecedent
at the top of the table, on the second line from the left, and put the
consequent at the bottom of the table, also on the second line from the left.

Next look and see how you might use the rules to get from the antecedent of
the conditional to the consequent. Notice in particular the logical form of
the conse-quent, since you can perhaps use the rule which introduces its main
connective. If it is simple (here we have just "P"), then try to derive it
from its double negation. Try constructing the double negation of P just
above P and under the assumption of the antecedent, and see if you can
construct this double negation out of the antecedent which appears as an
assumption of the use of >I. Since this statement is a double negation,
duplicate it, remove one of the negation signs (putting it aside) and then
put the unnegated statement near the top of the construction on a third line
and under the prior assumption. the Rule of -I tells you that you can
introduce the nega-tion of a statement A, if you can show that on the
assumption of A, some contra-diction follows, in accordance with the rules.
Look for a likely contradiction. Here one half of the contradiction might be
the very "-P" just provisionally assumed. So, reiterate "-P" under that
assumption. Next write P at the bottom (i.e. duplicate the statement, or use
a fresh block with the statement "P" on it, and place it at the bottom of the
line under the assumption of "-P" and see if you can construct it out of the
assumptions now in force. Etc., etc.

I won't go on with this exercise but instead invite readers of the list to
consider how it might be continued, operating with this concept of blocks
with symbols moved around on a table on which we can install lines to
represent the proper dependen-cies, in accordance with the rules, of
provisional assumptions required and allowed by the various rules. Though the
rules and "materials" of these constructions are distinctive, I submit that
something similar is going on to what Peirce does with his graphs. In
particular, following the strategies connected with the various rules and
types of statements, we can illustrate the concept of experimentation with
symbols --here experiments aiming at construction of a proof of Peirce's law.
The strategies associated with the rule are suggested approaches or methods
for reaching a desired kind of result, at any stage of the proof.

I will have to come back to your other comments, Bernard, but likely not


H.G. Callaway


Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: Jon Awbrey <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 08:56:51 -0500
X-Message-Number: 11


I&T. Note 14


Re: Quine's supposed "bisection of the triad".

I will make another attempt to explain what is going on here.
We had a long wrangle on the Standard/Ontology lists over this,
and it left me too burned out even to look up the links right now,
but if you keep pushing it ... consider that your fair warning.

Quine is just wrong here. And what he is commonly taken to have said
is even wronger still. As for Quine, the errors are so glaring that
I can only guess that he must have been operating under the influence
of a strong reductionist toxin, perhaps a mutant strain of behaviorism,
or something equally stupifying.

Up til now, I have mainly focused on what Peirce meant by saying that
triadic relations are irreducible, with special reference to the way
that he pictured the obviousness of it all in the Existential Graphs.
Now, if one grasps the morphism between relations and graphs, then
the basic fact about graphs was already proved by the one who is
commonly recognized as the first graph theorist, namely, Euler.
So the only wiggle room here is in denying the aptness of the
putative morphism h : Relations -> Graphs. But the facts
are clear enough in the source domain, at any rate.

As far as what Peirce actually claimed, it is a mathematical fact.
Though less familiar, it is literally a more elementary fact than
the facts that 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 are a prime numbers, since these
facts would take a bit of proving from a suitable axiomatic basis,
while the fact that the set of 2-adic relations is closed under
ordinary relational composition is simply a matter of definition.
To be ignorant of that definition is a severe 'ignoratio elenchi'.

Down from this scene, is possible to define other sorts of algebraic
operations on relations or relative terms -- Peirce and his students,
especially Christine Ladd, later Franklin, were especially ubertous
in thinking up new ones -- but all of these involve the use of basic
logical operations like conjunction and disjunction in the mix, and
so they do not bear on the validity of the original question, since
"binary operations are ternary relations", as my very first abstract
algebra book once put it.

But if we put aside the mere technicality of what Peirce actually said,
you must try to comprehend what a total no-brainer this whole thing is.

The very notion of putting two things together
to produce a third involves a triadic relation!

Ergo, all notions of analysis, composition, reduction, synthesis, whatever,
contain a notion of triadic relations as a part of their very constitution.

Jon Awbrey



Subject: re: logic's logic
From: Bernard Morand <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 15:08:51 +0100
X-Message-Number: 12

At 10:08 21/11/02 -0500, you wrote:
>BM: I would be interested in knowing what
> other listers ... think about this.
>I don't usually stress these issues in or out of Pericean circles, because
>I think that it would be such a great leap forward for more people to get
>the spirit of Peirce's logical graphs that I do not like to contest the
>finer points until I see that happening, but just between us, I first
>began writing programs to "do logical graphs on the computer" in about
>1980, and have built up some work in this area, mostly at the level of
>alpha graphs, that I am just now starting to document in much detail.

I have often dreamed of something like that in connection with the idea of
testing to which extend a machine could help us to reason. I think that the
principles embodied in the EG are a good starting point. Unfortunately I
never went to the starting point itself. It is quite surprising that nobody
seem to have undertaken such a project. I remember vaguely having seen
something approaching, may be J. Barwise? but I don't really know. I will
have a look to the pointer.



>Most of this is being done at Jack Park's NexistWiki Web Portal,
>but his project is still in its experimental stages and goes
>off-line for fixes and updates from time to time, as I see
>that it happens to be at the moment:
>But when it comes back up, usually around sunrise on
>the california coast, I will send more detailed links.
>Jon Awbrey
>Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber
>To unsubscribe send a blank email to:



Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 09:48:52 EST
X-Message-Number: 13

Jon, you wrote:

Ergo, all notions of analysis, composition, reduction, synthesis, whatever,
contain a notion of triadic relations as a part of their very constitution.
---end quote----

I find the related arguments very slippery. Certainly I am no fan of
reductionism, but it seems the the presuppositions involved in the proofs
offered of the reduction or non-reduction of "genuine" triadic relations
(Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Peirce uses the term "genuine" triadic
relations, so that there is some distinction between
genuinely triadic relations and those which may just appear to be so, and are
open to some analysis)-- the various presuppositions-- seem not so obvious.

So, please be aware that I do not have in mind to defend Quine's proof of
reduction to non-triadic relations. But that he gives a proof or apparent
proof seems a chief point of interest. On the other hand, Peirce's contrary
arguments to the effect that triadic relations cannot be reduced, seems to
involve presuppositions connected with his use of teridentity, in contrast to
the usual versions we see in logic books.
I have my serious doubts that we actually need the concept of teridentity for
logical purposes generally. The cross-reference and possible cross-reference
of the variables seems to take the place of teridentity as things are usually

If you can clarify this matter, then I think you will provide a benefit to
readers of the list, myself included.


H.G. Callaway


Subject: Re: logic's logic
From: Bernard Morand <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 15:45:55 +0100
X-Message-Number: 14

At 18:48 21/11/02 -0600, Cathy wrote:
>Thank you Bernard for the very detailed response to my message.
>I believe that the sources I read which asserted that Peirce's alpha
>graphs were equivalent to propositional calculus and beta to predicate
>calculus with identity were basing their claims on proofs in the Roberts
>book you cited. I should probably read it before discussing this further.
>I also lack a detailed technical training in logic, alas! It was only when
>I began to read Peirce that I began to grasp why formal logic was
>important for philosophers. Before then I felt that it was often used in
>papers by philosophers to show off in a way irrelevant to the real
>argument (and it often is these days but that is not the whole story).
The same often goes in computer science...

>How about natural deduction (Gentzen, I think?)'s rules of introduction
>and elimination of operators (e.g. and, or...)? There is something
>analogous here, I think...
>BTW, I have heard these rules praised (by Robert Brandom, actually) as a
>pragmatist approach to logic, as the system defines operators purely in
>terms of how they are USED (introduced and eliminated).

I don't know this. But may be the discussion with Howard will help. The
idea of an instrument designed for the purpose of the study and the control
of reasoning is at the heart of what Peirce called his "chef d'oeuvre",
there is no doubt. The conventions, rules and graphical items were
conceived with this use in mind. It would be interesting to contrast this
with the idea of ideography from Frege: an ideal language to free from
natural language defects.

> > This is the real purpose of substitution: to ascertain that there could not
> > be errors in any case. But with insertions and erasures the alternative
> > procedure is: if you are mistaken you will see it.
>Can you prove that? Or at least demonstrate it :-)?

No I can't. It is a result of my experience in diagrammatization and
teaching it. We make use of very simple and rough instruments but the
marvellous thing is that different people (students for example), having
different things in mind arrive at quite the same results. To know if this
is a property of the diagrams, of what the diagrams represent, or of the
task itself is not easy. But there is something like a process of
progressive auto-correction of errors at work.



Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: John Collier <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:08:34 -0500
X-Message-Number: 15

I almost remarked on a previous post that Jon seemed to be saying,
in his account of (instances of) dyadic relations as ordered pairs,
that dyadic relations were really triadic. This seems to me to be a
reduction of his position. So where has he gone wrong?

I think from the line of argument below, which is none to clear
in itself, that we can see an appeal to the way things are represented
(graphs) to their actual properties. This appears to me to be a
pretty fundamental category error. No it is true that we need a third
thing to represent a dyadic relation, but this is not to say that
the relation itself is triadic (let us hope not, or else the notion of a
dyadic relation is gibberish). However, the argument below,
such as it is, does nothing to rule out the possibility that this
third element might also be dyadic in nature, and that the talk of
thirds cannot be embedded in a more complex construction
of dyadic relations. I remain unimpressed with the supposed
proofs I have seen of the irreducible need for triadic logic, however
interesting it and suggestive it is, and however interesting it would
be if it could be shown to be required. I do not think that Quine's
position has been refuted, since his arguments do not depend
on the specific means of representation, which plays a crucial role
in what is presented below.

Relations and graphs are not the same. Graphs are representations.
Relations are not.

In the meantime, I share Seth's and Howard's frustration with this
discussion, which seems to me to be largely directed after red


At 08:56 AM 22/11/2002, Jon wrote:
>I&T. Note 14
>Re: Quine's supposed "bisection of the triad".
>I will make another attempt to explain what is going on here.
>We had a long wrangle on the Standard/Ontology lists over this,
>and it left me too burned out even to look up the links right now,
>but if you keep pushing it ... consider that your fair warning.
>Quine is just wrong here. And what he is commonly taken to have said
>is even wronger still. As for Quine, the errors are so glaring that
>I can only guess that he must have been operating under the influence
>of a strong reductionist toxin, perhaps a mutant strain of behaviorism,
>or something equally stupifying.
>Up til now, I have mainly focused on what Peirce meant by saying that
>triadic relations are irreducible, with special reference to the way
>that he pictured the obviousness of it all in the Existential Graphs.
>Now, if one grasps the morphism between relations and graphs, then
>the basic fact about graphs was already proved by the one who is
>commonly recognized as the first graph theorist, namely, Euler.
>So the only wiggle room here is in denying the aptness of the
>putative morphism h : Relations -> Graphs. But the facts
>are clear enough in the source domain, at any rate.
>As far as what Peirce actually claimed, it is a mathematical fact.
>Though less familiar, it is literally a more elementary fact than
>the facts that 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 are a prime numbers, since these
>facts would take a bit of proving from a suitable axiomatic basis,
>while the fact that the set of 2-adic relations is closed under
>ordinary relational composition is simply a matter of definition.
>To be ignorant of that definition is a severe 'ignoratio elenchi'.
>Down from this scene, is possible to define other sorts of algebraic
>operations on relations or relative terms -- Peirce and his students,
>especially Christine Ladd, later Franklin, were especially ubertous
>in thinking up new ones -- but all of these involve the use of basic
>logical operations like conjunction and disjunction in the mix, and
>so they do not bear on the validity of the original question, since
>"binary operations are ternary relations", as my very first abstract
>algebra book once put it.
>But if we put aside the mere technicality of what Peirce actually said,
>you must try to comprehend what a total no-brainer this whole thing is.
>The very notion of putting two things together
>to produce a third involves a triadic relation!
>Ergo, all notions of analysis, composition, reduction, synthesis, whatever,
>contain a notion of triadic relations as a part of their very constitution.
>Jon Awbrey
>Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber
>To unsubscribe send a blank email to:


Subject: Re: logic's logic
From: Jon Awbrey <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:16:03 -0500
X-Message-Number: 16


BM = Bernard Morand

BM: I have often dreamed of something like that in connection with the
idea of testing to which extend a machine could help us to reason.
I think that the principles embodied in the EG are a good starting
point. Unfortunately I never went to the starting point itself.
It is quite surprising that nobody seem to have undertaken such
a project. I remember vaguely having seen something approaching,
may be J. Barwise? but I don't really know. I will have a look
to the pointer.


I see that the web portal is off-line at the moment,
and since it is near a weekend and then a holiday,
it may be down for a very long count, so I will
send some samples off-list.

You may be thinking of Barwise & Etchemendy's "Tarski's World" module, but
that is really just a tutorial toy. There is Sowa's CG, and some working
provers for it that could be asked about on the Conceptual Graphs list.
Also, there is the Snark theorem prover that supposedly just went
open source, but these do not satisfy my Peircean purism.

One of the things that I discovered early on, in my non-mainstream work, is this.
I started out thinking that proof-theoretic methods were the only smart way to go --
"model-theoretic ways are dumb", I remember saying, and so naturally I found out
that the model-theoretic aspect was unavoidable, for too many reasons to mention,
just yet.

Many people have still not learned the first hard lesson of the subject --
one does not learn this until one one ventures beyond textbook examples --
that there is no such thing as the uniquely apt conclusion to be drawn
from a set of premisses.

Ergo, a method like Gentzen's "Natural Deduction", which starts out trying
to formalize "forward reasoning" in the way that people imagine they do as
long as they stick to familiar and rudimentary examples, by the mid 1980's
had already been turned upside down and used as an analytic, back-chaining
method by all of the automatic theorem proving groups that were trying it.

So, the problem of finding applicable and implementable logical methods
that "scale up" to non-trivial problem complexities is a critical issue.

Jon Awbrey



Subject: Re: History of American Thought - Featured Area
From: Charles F Rudder <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 09:43:43 -0600
X-Message-Number: 17

Thanks, Joe, for the prompt without which I confess I would have
overlooked the web sight. Having taken a glance at the Royce material on
sight and read your excerpts, I agree that for anyone seriously
interested in Peirce or American philosophy generally it is a must read.



Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: Jon Awbrey <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 11:00:19 -0500
X-Message-Number: 18


I&T. Note 15


Re: Quine's supposed "bisection of the triad".

I get the feeling that maybe Lyris is playing the role
of Descartes' Demon's Evil Twin here, so I will recopy
my earlier posting with the quotation from Quine.

This remark, its equivalents in other places, and
the 1953 "Reduction to a Dyadic Predicate" paper,
are the ones that most folks cite on this issue.
I will copy out the 1953 paper later on, when
I figure out how to asciify it, but the first
thing that I mark in his ostentatious 2-adic
predicate F is this big "V" sign -- Pynchon
fans take note! -- for disjunction, or as
Quine would call it, "alternation", right
smack dab in the middle of it. But later.

| Relations in the sense here considered are known, more particularly,
| as 'dyadic' relations; they relate elements in pairs. The relation of
| giving (y gives z to w) or betweenness (y is between z and w), on the other
| hand, is triadic; and the relation of paying (x pays y to z for w) is tetradic.
| But the theory of dyadic relations provides a convenient basis for the treatment
| also of such polyadic cases. A triadic relation among elements y, z, and w might
| be conceived as a dyadic relation borne by y to z;w [the ordered pair (z, w)].
| Quine, 'Math Logic', p. 201
| W.V. Quine,
|'Mathematical Logic, Revised Edition,
| Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1981.

With Quine's text in view, I can now add to my list of reasons
why the basic facts of 3-adic irreducibility and 3-identity have
continued to remain such a bother outside of mathematics and most
areas of computer science, where they have been considered trivial
observations since the time of Euler in the first case and Peirce
in the second, at the very least.

JA: Most of the controversy in other circles
appears to turn on (1) not understanding
the statement of the question, as it is
generally understood, and as Peirce most
definitely understood it -- this appears
to be the problem with Quine's fallacy,
since what he does prove is irrelevant
and trivial with respect to the matter
in question, (2) failing to define the
terms that one is using in a way that
makes the problem well-posed.

What Quine knew and when he knew it is not the business of my inquiry here.
I think that it is fair to refer to Quine's statement as "Quine's Fallacy"
because of the uses he and others have put it to, and because, if he knew
better, he simply did not take up the reponsibility or making that clear.

Reason (3), that Quine so amply exemplifies at this point, is this:
Not understanding what a relation is. I know that probably sounds
shocking, so let me explain. We find a category of thinkers who
are perfectly capable of saying what a relation is, speaking in
extension, as is our concern here, they will quite facilely say:

| A k-adic relation is a set of k-tuples, a subset L c X^k, for
| an inclusive enough domain X and its k^th cartesian power X^k.

So far so good.

But when they come to speak on matters like the "composition",
the "decomposition", the "production", or the "reduction" of
a given relation in relation to a given set of relations, they
constantly fail to draw the correct conclusion about what that
means. To facilitate the remainder of this discussion, let us
introduce the generic terms "(de-)generation" to range over all
of the above (de-)constructions in the obvious way. Then, the
immediate consequence that they fail to appreciate is just this:

| A relation is a set of tuples.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------
| A generation of a relation is a generation of a set of tuples.

I will take it up from there next time.

Once again, taken in extension, which is sufficient, and at any rate
what Peirce was talking about -- since a consistent comprehension is
one that is capable of having an extension, there is really no wffle
room to be had by taking that old intensional dodge -- the definition
is that k-adic relations are SETS of ordered k-ples, not just ordered
k-ples simpliciter, and certainly not "ordered sets". Therefore, what
it means to de-compose a 3-adic relation into a composition of 2-adic
relations is to de-compose a set into a composition of two other sets.
And what that means is given by a definition that all mathematically
literate people know. And it happens to be an important fact, about
as important as knowing that 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and an infinitely
large number of others to be named later, are prime numbers in
ordinary arithmetic, maybe even moreso.

Jon Awbrey



Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: Jon Awbrey <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 11:30:02 -0500
X-Message-Number: 19


I&T. Note 16


JC = John Collier

JC: I think from the line of argument below, which is none
to clear in itself, that we can see an appeal to the way
things are represented (graphs) to their actual properties.
This appears to me to be a pretty fundamental category error.

It is not a category error. It is a morphism between categories,
h : Relations -> Graphs, mapping relation arities to vertex degrees,
preserving the pertinent properties under compositions on each side.
This is helpful to some people, but it's not a proof. In any case,
a proof is not required, since the fact at issue is a definition.

JC: Relations and graphs are not the same.
Graphs are representations.
Relations are not.

Graphs are a category of mathematical objects,
not to be confused with their representations,
whether you mean "representations" in the
mathematical or the sign-theoretic sense.

Representations in mathematics are just morphisms,
typically from a space to a group of automorphisms,
but that is only indirectly related to this issue.

Jon Awbrey



Subject: Re: logic's logic
From: Jon Awbrey <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 11:54:24 -0500
X-Message-Number: 20



The Nexist site is back up again, though I can't say
for how long, so here are some more detailed links:

The main catalog of documents for the whole site is here:

A "Lite" Intro to the "Cactus Language" for Prop Calc:

A work in progress on "Propostional Equation Reasoning Systems":

Here is the hub for all of the Theme One program documentation:

NB. Some of the longer pages may take a few minutes to load.





Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 12:38:22 EST
X-Message-Number: 21

Jon & list,

I find the following reply to John Collier simply unconvincing. It does not
convince me that you have understood the objections made, Jon. Nor does it
convince me that it contributes anything to your (apparent) positive
argument. It just seems to run off into the sand, establishing nothing at

If someone else on the list sees something I have missed here. Please let us



H.G. Callaway

<< JC = John Collier

JC: I think from the line of argument below, which is none
to clear in itself, that we can see an appeal to the way
things are represented (graphs) to their actual properties.
This appears to me to be a pretty fundamental category error.

It is not a category error. It is a morphism between categories,
h : Relations -> Graphs, mapping relation arities to vertex degrees,
preserving the pertinent properties under compositions on each side.
This is helpful to some people, but it's not a proof. In any case,
a proof is not required, since the fact at issue is a definition.

JC: Relations and graphs are not the same.
Graphs are representations.
Relations are not.

Graphs are a category of mathematical objects,
not to be confused with their representations,
whether you mean "representations" in the
mathematical or the sign-theoretic sense.

Representations in mathematics are just morphisms,
typically from a space to a group of automorphisms,
but that is only indirectly related to this issue.

Jon Awbrey

H.G. Callaway


Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: "Joseph Ransdell" <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 11:54:52 -0600
X-Message-Number: 22

John Collier says:

> I think from the line of argument below, which is none to clear
> in itself, that we can see an appeal to the way things are represented
> (graphs) to their actual properties.

This appears to be something missing in the grammar of that sentence, John,
and when I try to supply it I can't figure out what it is supposed to be. I
don't suppose you mean to say that one cannot appeal to a true
representation -- or what one takes to be such -- in referring to
something's properties. You don't mean, surely, that one can only appeal to
the Ding an sich. Could you clarify that, or correct my misunderstanding
of the sentence?

> This appears to me to be a
> pretty fundamental category error. No it is true that we need a third
> thing to represent a dyadic relation, but this is not to say that
> the relation itself is triadic (let us hope not, or else the notion of a
> dyadic relation is gibberish).

It IS to say that we need a third thing, though -- in fact you just now said
it -- and I thought that was the point to Jon's remark. The question isn't
whether dyadic relations are really triads, but whether dyadic relations can
be represented without recourse to a triadic relation in doing so, namely,
the one which is the representation itself. It would appear that in
supposing that the two elements composing the dyad constitute a dyad there
IS an appeal to a third thing, namely the representation of the dyad as
such, which is in addition to the representation of each of the elements of
the dayd apart from their dyadicity. That adds up to three needful things to
refer to, doesn't it? Which of them would you get rid of -- A or B or the
dyad AB -- in expressing the proposition that one need only appeal to two
things in representing a dyad as such?

> However, the argument below,
> such as it is, does nothing to rule out the possibility that this
> third element might also be dyadic in nature, . . .

That is not to the point, so far as I can see.

> and that the talk of
> thirds cannot be embedded in a more complex construction
> of dyadic relations.

Well, I guess if you can re-express what you are saying without appealing to
a third thing I would find your argument more persuasive.

> Relations and graphs are not the same. Graphs are representations.
> Relations are not.

I find it odd that you would say this when the claim is that some are and
some are not. You can't just say that relations are not representations --
unless, of course, this is just an a priori metaphysical dictum to the
effect that there are only dyads and monads, in which case I should think
you would actually want to hold that there are no such things as dyads
either, just monads: so that A is one thing and B another, but the dyad AB
is nothing at all but . . . but what? An illusion due to a notation that
actually corresponds to nothing? Logical atomism, in short.

> In the meantime, I share Seth's and Howard's frustration with this
> discussion, which seems to me to be largely directed after red
> herrings.

Maybe, maybe not. Impatience in matters as subtle as these is sometimes a
symptom of something other than correct judgment, particularly when appeal
to a consensus opinion is being made.

Joe Ransdell


Subject: Re: New List & Classification of Signs
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 18:40:33 +0000
X-Message-Number: 23


You wrote (way back when):

> There's no such thing as a proper name, a sign so magically sympathetic with
> its one and only intended object that it can pick it out of a crowded cosmos
> and will this one thing with purity of heart as its uniquely sole denotation.
> Strings of char like "Omaha" and "Perth" can only do so much, nothing at all
> by themselves, and serving as signs that are capable of determining singular
> existents just isn't one of them. And if you're determined to find the rest
> of that misplaced determination in the context, countryside, county, environ,
> neighborhood, province, state, surround, or vicinity then you are barking up
> the wrong bailiwick. All of which the pragmatic thinker says by saying that
> words from "Time" to "Timbuktu" are properly read as "symbols", and if they
> mean, then they mean what they mean just because some interpretant says so.

and what you say seems true enough in terms of terms. But suppose we conjoined
two of those terms (along with what their interpretants say they mean), say
Omaha and Nebraska. Wouldn't that pinpoint a location? And even if there were 2
or more Omaha's in Nebraska or several parallel Nebraska's, wouldn't the
conjunction point to determinate locations nevertheless? Kind of like using two
or more vectors of our direction-finding equipment to pinpoint a location in an
otherwise inaccessible terrain?



Subject: Re: Classification Of Signs
From: Jon Awbrey <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 14:06:38 -0500
X-Message-Number: 24


COS. Note 24


JA: There's no such thing as a proper name, a sign so magically sympathetic with
its one and only intended object that it can pick it out of a crowded cosmos
and will this one thing with purity of heart as its uniquely sole denotation.
Strings of char like "Omaha" and "Perth" can only do so much, nothing at all
by themselves, and serving as signs that are capable of determining singular
existents just isn't one of them. And if you're determined to find the rest
of that misplaced determination in the context, countryside, county, environ,
neighborhood, province, state, surround, or vicinity then you are barking up
the wrong bailiwick. All of which the pragmatic thinker says by saying that
words from "Time" to "Timbuktu" are properly read as "symbols", and if they
mean, then they mean what they mean just because some interpretant says so.

TG(IF?): And what you say seems true enough in terms of terms.
But suppose we conjoined two of those terms (along with
what their interpretants say they mean), say Omaha and
Nebraska. Wouldn't that pinpoint a location? And even
if there were 2 or more Omaha's in Nebraska or several
parallel Nebraska's, wouldn't the conjunction point to
determinate locations nevertheless? Kind of like using
two or more vectors of our direction-finding equipment to
pinpoint a location in an otherwise inaccessible terrain?


Do you mean "Turn of the Century Omaha.Ne" -- and by the way, which century? --
or do you perhaps mean "Antebellum Omaha.Ne" -- and by the way, which bellum? --
at some point one simply has to grasp the basic information-theoretic thistle
that five bytes, or a gadshillion bytes, or any finite number of bytes can
only byte off so much of the world, or all conceivable worlds, to chew on,
and it's always a bit more than any sort of ontological atom.




Subject: Re: Jamesian Impasse
From: "R. Jeffrey Grace" <
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 12:05:41 -0800
X-Message-Number: 25

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I'm leaving our exchange intact at the end of this message and am
clipping the sections I respond to. As I read your responses, I'm
beginning to think this is probably an issue which shows why Peirce
renamed his philosophy "pragmaticism" (wasn't this before 1908?) when he
saw what pragmaticism was becoming in the hands of James and Dewey.
While it may be true to say that James strove to arrive at a compromise
position which would have made the various schools of pragmatism more
uniform, did Peirce go along with it?

Axel wrote:
No, Cunga claims the Aquinas having made already such fault of
separating active and contemplative christendom in his theology and
oikunomeia forgetting the christian unity of both. It's not James having
made such separation. I put in my posting a certain difference seen by
the prostestant- catholic schism accusing the catholic monks and priests
of contemplative laziness separated from and not working in this

Jeff responds:
Well, I think the same accusation arises amongst Catholic theologians
these days as well, so it's not a protestant/catholic issue. LaCunga
was Catholic, for instance. I think the point of Levering's article was
that her claim was based upon a Jamesian influence. Levering supports
it in the following quote (from pp. 410-411 of the article):

The Jamesian impulse in LaCugna's Trinitarian theology is striking. This
is not to say that LaCugna's work is at odds with the majority of recent
European Trinitarian theologies. As we have seen, both William James and
Emerson drew heavily upon European intellectual movements, largely
Schleiermachian and Hegelian, in constructing their American account of
religious pragmatism. Yet, LaCugna's work echoes James in profound, if
not always uniquely American, ways. Like James, she finds the roots of
arid Christian faith in the "metaphysical monster" (to recall James's
phrase) set up by those who sought to identify

God's attributes by the steps of metaphysical reasoning. Like James, she
critiques the entire tradition of Christian intellectual argumentation
about the triune God. Like James, her central question is what practical
import the doctrine of the triune God can be shown to have in the lives
of Christians. Theological expression about the God of Jesus Christ
should have for its goal exposing "God for us," the God we experience in
and through salvation history, thereby impressing upon us the religious
feelings and practical actions that flow from a proper encounter with
the relational "God for us." As in James--a point emphasized in regard
to James's work by Stanley Hauerwas in his Gifford Lectures--these
feelings and practical actions bear a striking resemblance to the
liberal democratic norms prevalent in mainstream Western intellectual
culture today. (Matthew Levering, "Beyond the Jamesian Impasse in
Trinitarian Theology", The Thomist, Vol. 66 No. 3 July 2002, pp.

Axel wrote:
But similarily such accusation is made by young-hegelianism as a basis
of American pragmatism against the Schleiermachian wing of German
idealist philosophy being socially lazy and not engaged in the real
world of the working class by the pietistically only contemplative
church services outside reality based solely on pious feelings. Bruno
Bauer and Ludwig Feuerbach already accused the prote- stantism of 1840
of such attitudes and Karl Marx especially together with Friedrich
Engels accused the new pietist Prussian king together with Bruno Bruno
being a "Holy family" only contemplating on Christ and not looking for
the social necessities of their time. You see this way Bruno Bauer was
made dialectically against truth a sort of Schleiermacher although Bauer
critisized Schleiermacher.

But such dialectical operations were not made by James but in the schism
of pragmatism 1908 by Dewey and Mead although they kept" dialectically
the Jamesian heritage and later accepted on a logical basis the Peircean
one although Peirce also was severed in the said pragmatist schism from
the Dewey and Mead line as an "objective, absolute idealist".

Jeff responds:
I think Levering is tracing the difference back to it's roots, namely
the rejction by James of the metaphysical foundations of contemplation.
By the time you see these various schools you mention, they have
replaced those foundations with a metaphysic that is antithetical to the
goal of contemplation. What they have in common with James is a
rejection of the metaphysics that serves as a foundation for
contemplation. Levering argues that Schleirmacher understood this
metaphysic as "secondary products" which are at best "attempts to
express religious feelings" (pg. 402) and that James accepts this theory
and even expands it beyond metaphysical claims to encompass "..the whole
variety of religious expression" (pg. 402).

In other words, argues Levering, James doesn't accept the intellectual
seriousness of theology, since he sees metaphysical accounts as

"...nothing more than meaningless words, quite cut off from anything
relevant to a religious person. These abstractions, James suggests, are
even demonic- 'they have the trail of the serpent over them' insofar as
they serve as substitutes for anything worthy of worship and religious
feeling. He concludes 'So much for the metaphysical aspects of God!
From the point of view of practical religion, the metaphysical monster
which they offer to our worship is an absolutely worthless invention of
the scholarly mind!' (This quote from James is from The Varieties of
Religious Experience) (Levering, pg. 403).

It seems to me that Levering has a pretty good argument! Anyway, I
thought this topic would be of interest on the Peirce list because I'm
convinced that this is a criticial difference between Perice and James.


R. Jeffrey Grace
rjgrace[…] <>

-----Original Message-----
From: Axel Schlotzhauer [
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 4:32 AM
To: Peirce Discussion Forum
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: Jamesian Impasse





Subject: Re: logic's logic
From: Gary Richmond <garyrichmond[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 15:10:14 -0500
X-Message-Number: 26


I knew you and Jack Park have been working on this for some time. Glad
to see it up and lookin' good. Now I can trash
most all my "Awbrey" files as they've become redundant One problem: I
wasn't able to open this:

>A work in progress on "Propostional Equation Reasoning Systems":
Since it sounds most intriguing, I hope to be able to open it soon.

Congratulations to both you and Jack on getting so much of your work
together on this nexist/wiki site


Jon Awbrey wrote:

>The Nexist site is back up again, though I can't say
>for how long, so here are some more detailed links:
>The main catalog of documents for the whole site is here:
>A "Lite" Intro to the "Cactus Language" for Prop Calc:
>A work in progress on "Propostional Equation Reasoning Systems":
>Here is the hub for all of the Theme One program documentation:
>NB. Some of the longer pages may take a few minutes to load.
>Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber garyrichmond[…]
>To unsubscribe send a blank email to: leave-peirce-l-9178T[…]


Subject: Re: logic's logic
From: Jon Awbrey <jawbrey[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 15:38:54 -0500
X-Message-Number: 27



hi gary, thanks for the click! that one is kinda large,
and on my old 56kb modem, i usually have to wait a couple
of minutes to load it, but when i think about it, i'm not
really sure that the bottleneck is r.o.c., but it might
be because these documents are assembled from separate
"addressable information resources" (air's) as jack
calls them -- but i don't really know.




GR: I knew you and Jack Park have been working on this for some time.
Glad to see it up and lookin' good. Now I can trash most all
my "Awbrey" files as they've become redundant. One problem:
I wasn't able to open this:

JA: A work in progress on "Propostional Equation Reasoning Systems":


GR: Since it sounds most intriguing, I hope to be able to open it soon.

GR: Congratulations to both you and Jack on getting so
much of your work together on this nexist/wiki site.



Subject: Re: logic's logic
From: Jon Awbrey <jawbrey[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 16:54:50 -0500
X-Message-Number: 28


Bernard, Gary, & All,

A cut-&-paste error between last year's draft
and the current web page messed up the proof
of the "double negation theorem", so here
is the correct version, I think.

| C1. Double Negation Theorem. Proof. |
| |
| a o |
| \ |
| \ |
| o |
| \ |
| \ |
| @ |
| |
o=============================< I2. Unfold "(())" >=========o
| |
| a o o |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| o o |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| @ |
| |
o=============================< J1. Insert "(a)" >==========o
| |
| a o |
| / |
| / |
| a o a o o |
| \ \ / |
| \ \ / |
| o o |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| @ |
| |
o=============================< J2. Distribute "((a))" >====o
| |
| a o a o |
| \ \ |
| \ \ |
| o o a o |
| \ \ / |
| \ \ / |
| a o o |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| o |
| / |
| / |
| @ |
| |
o=============================< J1. Delete "(a)" >==========o
| |
| a o |
| \ |
| \ |
| o o |
| \ \ |
| \ \ |
| a o o |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| o |
| / |
| / |
| @ |
| |
o=============================< J1. Insert "a" >============o
| |
| a o |
| \ |
| \ |
| o o a |
| \ \ |
| \ \ |
| a o o a |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| o |
| / |
| / |
| @ |
| |
o=============================< J2. Collect "a" >===========o
| |
| a o |
| \ |
| \ |
| o o a |
| \ \ |
| \ \ |
| o o |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| o |
| / |
| / |
| a […] |
| |
o=============================< J1. Delete "((a))" >========o
| |
| o |
| \ |
| \ |
| o |
| / |
| / |
| a […] |
| |
o=============================< I2. Refold "(())" >=========o
| |
| a |
| @ |
| |
o=============================< QED >=======================o



Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: John Collier <ag659[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 17:29:26 -0500
X-Message-Number: 29

I see: you pull relations up into mathematics in terms of some
representation thereof (ordered n-tuplets) and then map them onto
another representation. I still maintain that you are confusing properties
of the representation with the thing in your previous arguments.
The discussion of graphs does not help. Well, actually it does,
since any three terminal graph can be reduced to a convergence
of three two terminal graphs in which one terminus of each of the
three is shared (identical). Since identity is dyadic (or at least has
not yet been proven to be not dyadic, we haven't got anyplace.

As I said, we are being bombarded with red herrings. It is beginning
to stink.


At 11:30 AM 22/11/2002, you wrote:
>I&T. Note 16
>JC = John Collier
>JC: I think from the line of argument below, which is none
> to clear in itself, that we can see an appeal to the way
> things are represented (graphs) to their actual properties.
> This appears to me to be a pretty fundamental category error.
>It is not a category error. It is a morphism between categories,
>h : Relations -> Graphs, mapping relation arities to vertex degrees,
>preserving the pertinent properties under compositions on each side.
>This is helpful to some people, but it's not a proof. In any case,
>a proof is not required, since the fact at issue is a definition.
>JC: Relations and graphs are not the same.
> Graphs are representations.
> Relations are not.
>Graphs are a category of mathematical objects,
>not to be confused with their representations,
>whether you mean "representations" in the
>mathematical or the sign-theoretic sense.
>Representations in mathematics are just morphisms,
>typically from a space to a group of automorphisms,
>but that is only indirectly related to this issue.
>Jon Awbrey
>Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber ag659[…]
>To unsubscribe send a blank email to: leave-peirce-l-7176J[…]


Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: John Collier <ag659[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 18:30:41 -0500
X-Message-Number: 30

At 12:54 PM 22/11/2002, you wrote:
>John Collier says:
> > I think from the line of argument below, which is none to clear
> > in itself, that we can see an appeal to the way things are represented
> > (graphs) to their actual properties.
>This appears to be something missing in the grammar of that sentence, John,
>and when I try to supply it I can't figure out what it is supposed to be. I
>don't suppose you mean to say that one cannot appeal to a true
>representation -- or what one takes to be such -- in referring to
>something's properties. You don't mean, surely, that one can only appeal to
>the Ding an sich. Could you clarify that, or correct my misunderstanding
>of the sentence?

What I meant was that Jon seems to be appealing to properties of
the representation to try to make his case about what is represented.
We have to abstract away from the from these, ignore them, or whatever.
basically, we have to forget that we are representing, or we get
our knickers in a knot.

> > This appears to me to be a
> > pretty fundamental category error. No it is true that we need a third
> > thing to represent a dyadic relation, but this is not to say that
> > the relation itself is triadic (let us hope not, or else the notion of a
> > dyadic relation is gibberish).
>It IS to say that we need a third thing, though -- in fact you just now said
>it -- and I thought that was the point to Jon's remark. The question isn't
>whether dyadic relations are really triads, but whether dyadic relations can
>be represented without recourse to a triadic relation in doing so, namely,
>the one which is the representation itself. It would appear that in
>supposing that the two elements composing the dyad constitute a dyad there
>IS an appeal to a third thing, namely the representation of the dyad as
>such, which is in addition to the representation of each of the elements of
>the dayd apart from their dyadicity. That adds up to three needful things to
>refer to, doesn't it? Which of them would you get rid of -- A or B or the
>dyad AB -- in expressing the proposition that one need only appeal to two
>things in representing a dyad as such?

It seems to me that we can have a dyadic relation that has its properties
independently of any way it is represented, and that all Jon has shown
is that a representation of a dyad is more complex than a dyad. I
don't think that is the sort of issue that Quine had in mind.

> > However, the argument below,
> > such as it is, does nothing to rule out the possibility that this
> > third element might also be dyadic in nature, . . .
>That is not to the point, so far as I can see.
> > and that the talk of
> > thirds cannot be embedded in a more complex construction
> > of dyadic relations.
>Well, I guess if you can re-express what you are saying without appealing to
>a third thing I would find your argument more persuasive.

The example I gave of the three pointed graphs constructed from
two pointed ones. In any case, Quine's reduction was on the table,
and it is mathematically of the same form as the version that I gave.

> > Relations and graphs are not the same. Graphs are representations.
> > Relations are not.
>I find it odd that you would say this when the claim is that some are and
>some are not. You can't just say that relations are not representations --
>unless, of course, this is just an a priori metaphysical dictum to the
>effect that there are only dyads and monads, in which case I should think
>you would actually want to hold that there are no such things as dyads
>either, just monads: so that A is one thing and B another, but the dyad AB
>is nothing at all but . . . but what? An illusion due to a notation that
>actually corresponds to nothing? Logical atomism, in short.

There is no need to go to atomism. All reality could be irreducibly
relational as far as I am concerned. The issue is whether the relations
can be analyzed into dyadic relations such that they can be seen
to be constructions of dyadic relations. It may require triadic relations
to do this, but that does not resolve the issue in itself (see below).

Actually, the problem is a slip that Jon makes between properties
of the thing represented and properties of the representation. There
are a number of ways to phrase my objection, but since the original
position is absurd, none of them will sound much better.

I come back to the basic problem that is Jon's line of argument
is correct, then dyadic relations are not dyadic, but triadic,
and that is absurd.

> > In the meantime, I share Seth's and Howard's frustration with this
> > discussion, which seems to me to be largely directed after red
> > herrings.
>Maybe, maybe not. Impatience in matters as subtle as these is sometimes a
>symptom of something other than correct judgment, particularly when appeal
>to a consensus opinion is being made.

There is no argument so far from Jon that talks about the properties
of relations and rather than the properties of representations
of relations to make its point. I don't think that the issues as they
have been discussed so far are subtle at all. The discussion has
been clumsy and heavy handed, and I responded in kind.

It may well be that one cannot represent relations without relying
on triadic relations. This is not the same issue as whether or not
all relations can be constructed from dyadic relations. Even if
a triadic relation can be constructed from dyadic relations,
it does not mean that it ceases to be triadic. So showing
that the representation of something requires triadic relations
does not show that the thing cannot be constructed from dyadic
relations. Neither does it show that the representation itself
cannot be constructed from dyadic relations. Basically,
the need for triadic relations does not show that triadic
relations cannot be constructed from dyadic relations.

Betweenness does not cease to be triadic because it can
be constructed from dyadic relations. Showing that there
is a triadic relation, betweenness, does not show that
betweenness cannot be constructed from dyadic relations.
Likewise, showing that dyadic relations cannot be represented
without using, at least implicitly, triadic relations does not
show that all relations cannot be constructed from dyadic
relations. It is beside the point. If it leads to the conclusion
that all dyadic relations are essentially triadic, then it is not
only beside the point (a red herring), but it is also hopelessly
confused, and it is best consigned to the bit bucket.

If Jon were arguing that there are no dyadic relations,
and Quine's mistake was to suppose that there are,
I might find his line of argument a bit more reasonable.
It would be a heroic thing to argue, but at least it would
be coherent.

I hope this is reasonably clear, because I feel I am wasting
my time stating the obvious.

I do think there are interesting and subtle issues about whether
or not there are irreducible triadic relations. I would like
to see discussion of these.

As I see it, there are two issues. One is whether representation
and some other things involve triadic relations. The other
is whether there are irreducibly triadic relations. They
are not the same issue. So far, I find in Peirce the first
issue made quite convincingly in the affirmative. I have not
found the second case to be made convincingly at all
by either side.

Jon's arguments have addressed the first issue. Perhaps
he can show why the first issue is related to the second,
but so far he has not, at least not clearly enough for me
to see that he has. I am getting a bit tired of repetition
of the same point that I find non-controversial as if it
addressed the point that I find controversial. That is
why I am impatient. I grant that representation is triadic
(at least). Let's get on with the second issue.

Incidentally, I appreciate the way you play your role
as moderator, Joe.



Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: "Joseph Ransdell" <joseph.ransdell[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 18:36:58 -0600
X-Message-Number: 31

Thanks for the clarification, John. I find something baffling in the
following, though:

> As I see it, there are two issues. One is whether representation
> and some other things involve triadic relations. The other
> is whether there are irreducibly triadic relations. They
> are not the same issue. So far, I find in Peirce the first
> issue made quite convincingly in the affirmative. I have not
> found the second case to be made convincingly at all
> by either side.

But if you are persuaded of the first, why are you not persuaded ipso facto
of the second? Is there some recondite sense of "reducible" involved in

Joe Ransdell


Subject: Re: Identity & Teridentity
From: Gary Richmond <garyrichmond[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 20:35:33 -0500
X-Message-Number: 32

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

John Collier wrote:

> Showing that there is a triadic relation, betweenness, does not show that
> betweenness cannot be constructed from dyadic relations.
> Likewise, showing that dyadic relations cannot be represented
> without using, at least implicitly, triadic relations does not
> show that all relations cannot be constructed from dyadic
> relations.

For people steeped in peircean logic, trying to improve on Peirce's
several argumentations--that triadic relations cannot be
constructed from dyadic ones--seems a fool's task. The irreducibility of
thirdness to secondness in "constructing
a world" has been so eloquently and, to my mind, convincingly argued by
Peirce, that it seems futile to attempt to argue it better.
I would imagine that if you are not going to be convinced by Peirce's
arguments in the matter, there
is little--if any chance--that you'd be convinced by, say, Jon's or mine.

Still, the matter is subtle, as Joe noted, and I would maintain that
you've contributed
something very important towards the explication of the subtle
problematic in this comment:

You wrote:

> JC: As I see it, there are two issues. One is whether representation
> and some other things involve triadic relations. The other
> is whether there are irreducibly triadic relations. They
> are not the same issue. So far, I find in Peirce the first
> issue made quite convincingly in the affirmative. I have not
> found the second case to be made convincingly at all
> by either side.

I would tend to agree with you that Jon's recent comments may have
placed an emphasis on the representation of dyadic
relations. But he has also argued here (and elsewhere) for the
irreducibility of triadic relations themselves, something which
Peirce--and I would imagine, most Peirceans--insist on. (Of course that
doesn't make it true; still, for me, the burden
of proof remains yours while a) a consensus seems to exists in relation
to b) Peirce's numerous solid arguments in the matter.)
I cannot say that I've found arguments to the contrary convincing. And I
must admit that for me it appears downright odd to see them
being offered here (not that they shouldn't be!)

Now, John, I'm no logician. However, I would appreciate having a strong
one, such as yourself, show me the unsoundness
of these arguments regarding the irreducibility of triadic
relations.What error, for example, do you find in the logic underlying
the following
snippet? Here Peirce succinctly touches upon both the issues you've
identified When he comes to speak of "handedness" here,
he not only does not hold that authentic dyadic relations do not exist,
but notes a most fundamental one in nature, chirality.
All he does insist on is that if you "[t]ake any fact in physics of the
triadic kind, by which I mean a fact which can only be defined by
simultaneous reference to three things, and you will find there is ample
evidence that it never was produced by the action of forces
on mere dyadic conditions."

> CP 1.345. I will sketch a proof that the idea of meaning is
> irreducible to those of quality and reaction. It depends on two main
> premisses. The first is that every genuine triadic relation involves
> meaning, as meaning is obviously a triadic relation. The second is
> that a triadic relation is inexpressible by means of dyadic relations
> alone. Considerable reflexion may be required to convince yourself of
> the first of these premisses, that every triadic relation involves
> meaning. There will be two lines of inquiry. First, all physical
> forces appear to subsist between pairs of particles. This was assumed
> by Helmholtz in his original paper, On the Conservation of Forces.+1
> Take any fact in physics of the triadic kind, by which I mean a fact
> which can only be defined by simultaneous reference to three things,
> and you will find there is ample evidence that it never was produced
> by the action of forces on mere dyadic conditions. Thus, your right
> hand is that hand which is toward the east, when you face the north
> with your head toward the zenith. Three things, east, west, and up,
> are required to define the difference between right and left.
> Consequently chemists find that those substances which rotate the
> plane of polarization to the right or left can only be produced from
> such [similar] active substances. They are all of such complex
> constitution that they cannot have existed when the earth was very
> hot, and how the first one was produced is a puzzle. It cannot have
> been by the action of brute forces. For the second branch of the
> inquiry, you must train yourself to the analysis of relations,
> beginning with such as are very markedly triadic,

Of course this is just the beginning of an argumentation. But perhaps
you would like to critique some other Peircean text
relating to the "other" issue?



> At 12:54 PM 22/11/2002, you wrote:
>> John Collier says:
>> > I think from the line of argument below, which is none to clear
>> > in itself, that we can see an appeal to the way things are represented
>> > (graphs) to their actual properties.
>> This appears to be something missing in the grammar of that sentence,
>> John,
>> and when I try to supply it I can't figure out what it is supposed to
>> be. I
>> don't suppose you mean to say that one cannot appeal to a true
>> representation -- or what one takes to be such -- in referring to
>> something's properties. You don't mean, surely, that one can only
>> appeal to
>> the Ding an sich. Could you clarify that, or correct my
>> misunderstanding
>> of the sentence?
> What I meant was that Jon seems to be appealing to properties of
> the representation to try to make his case about what is represented.
> We have to abstract away from the from these, ignore them, or whatever.
> basically, we have to forget that we are representing, or we get
> our knickers in a knot.
>> > This appears to me to be a
>> > pretty fundamental category error. No it is true that we need a third
>> > thing to represent a dyadic relation, but this is not to say that
>> > the relation itself is triadic (let us hope not, or else the notion
>> of a
>> > dyadic relation is gibberish).
>> It IS to say that we need a third thing, though -- in fact you just
>> now said
>> it -- and I thought that was the point to Jon's remark. The question
>> isn't
>> whether dyadic relations are really triads, but whether dyadic
>> relations can
>> be represented without recourse to a triadic relation in doing so,
>> namely,
>> the one which is the representation itself. It would appear that in
>> supposing that the two elements composing the dyad constitute a dyad
>> there
>> IS an appeal to a third thing, namely the representation of the dyad as
>> such, which is in addition to the representation of each of the
>> elements of
>> the dayd apart from their dyadicity. That adds up to three needful
>> things to
>> refer to, doesn't it? Which of them would you get rid of -- A or B
>> or the
>> dyad AB -- in expressing the proposition that one need only appeal to
>> two
>> things in representing a dyad as such?
> It seems to me that we can have a dyadic relation that has its properties
> independently of any way it is represented, and that all Jon has shown
> is that a representation of a dyad is more complex than a dyad. I
> don't think that is the sort of issue that Quine had in mind.
>> > However, the argument below,
>> > such as it is, does nothing to rule out the possibility that this
>> > third element might also be dyadic in nature, . . .
>> That is not to the point, so far as I can see.
>> > and that the talk of
>> > thirds cannot be embedded in a more complex construction
>> > of dyadic relations.
>> Well, I guess if you can re-express what you are saying without
>> appealing to
>> a third thing I would find your argument more persuasive.
> The example I gave of the three pointed graphs constructed from
> two pointed ones. In any case, Quine's reduction was on the table,
> and it is mathematically of the same form as the version that I gave.
>> > Relations and graphs are not the same. Graphs are representations.
>> > Relations are not.
>> I find it odd that you would say this when the claim is that some are
>> and
>> some are not. You can't just say that relations are not
>> representations --
>> unless, of course, this is just an a priori metaphysical dictum to the
>> effect that there are only dyads and monads, in which case I should
>> think
>> you would actually want to hold that there are no such things as dyads
>> either, just monads: so that A is one thing and B another, but the
>> dyad AB
>> is nothing at all but . . . but what? An illusion due to a notation
>> that
>> actually corresponds to nothing? Logical atomism, in short.
> There is no need to go to atomism. All reality could be irreducibly
> relational as far as I am concerned. The issue is whether the relations
> can be analyzed into dyadic relations such that they can be seen
> to be constructions of dyadic relations. It may require triadic relations
> to do this, but that does not resolve the issue in itself (see below).
> Actually, the problem is a slip that Jon makes between properties
> of the thing represented and properties of the representation. There
> are a number of ways to phrase my objection, but since the original
> position is absurd, none of them will sound much better.
> I come back to the basic problem that is Jon's line of argument
> is correct, then dyadic relations are not dyadic, but triadic,
> and that is absurd.
>> > In the meantime, I share Seth's and Howard's frustration with this
>> > discussion, which seems to me to be largely directed after red
>> > herrings.
>> Maybe, maybe not. Impatience in matters as subtle as these is
>> sometimes a
>> symptom of something other than correct judgment, particularly when
>> appeal
>> to a consensus opinion is being made.
> There is no argument so far from Jon that talks about the properties
> of relations and rather than the properties of representations
> of relations to make its point. I don't think that the issues as they
> have been discussed so far are subtle at all. The discussion has
> been clumsy and heavy handed, and I responded in kind.
> It may well be that one cannot represent relations without relying
> on triadic relations. This is not the same issue as whether or not
> all relations can be constructed from dyadic relations. Even if
> a triadic relation can be constructed from dyadic relations,
> it does not mean that it ceases to be triadic. So showing
> that the representation of something requires triadic relations
> does not show that the thing cannot be constructed from dyadic
> relations. Neither does it show that the representation itself
> cannot be constructed from dyadic relations. Basically,
> the need for triadic relations does not show that triadic
> relations cannot be constructed from dyadic relations.
> Betweenness does not cease to be triadic because it can
> be constructed from dyadic relations. Showing that there
> is a triadic relation, betweenness, does not show that
> betweenness cannot be constructed from dyadic relations.
> Likewise, showing that dyadic relations cannot be represented
> without using, at least implicitly, triadic relations does not
> show that all relations cannot be constructed from dyadic
> relations. It is beside the point. If it leads to the conclusion
> that all dyadic relations are essentially triadic, then it is not
> only beside the point (a red herring), but it is also hopelessly
> confused, and it is best consigned to the bit bucket.
> If Jon were arguing that there are no dyadic relations,
> and Quine's mistake was to suppose that there are,
> I might find his line of argument a bit more reasonable.
> It would be a heroic thing to argue, but at least it would
> be coherent.
> I hope this is reasonably clear, because I feel I am wasting
> my time stating the obvious.
> I do think there are interesting and subtle issues about whether
> or not there are irreducible triadic relations. I would like
> to see discussion of these.
> As I see it, there are two issues. One is whether representation
> and some other things involve triadic relations. The other
> is whether there are irreducibly triadic relations. They
> are not the same issue. So far, I find in Peirce the first
> issue made quite convincingly in the affirmative. I have not
> found the second case to be made convincingly at all
> by either side.
> Jon's arguments have addressed the first issue. Perhaps
> he can show why the first issue is related to the second,
> but so far he has not, at least not clearly enough for me
> to see that he has. I am getting a bit tired of repetition
> of the same point that I find non-controversial as if it
> addressed the point that I find controversial. That is
> why I am impatient. I grant that representation is triadic
> (at least). Let's get on with the second issue.
> Incidentally, I appreciate the way you play your role
> as moderator, Joe.
> John
> ---


Subject: Classification Of Signs
From: Jon Awbrey <jawbrey[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 21:16:44 -0500
X-Message-Number: 33


COS. Note 1


ML = Martin Lefebvre

ML: I have an exegetical question regarding the "New List" and
in particular M.G. Murphey's reading of it. In chapter 15 of
his book on Peirce ('The Development of Peirce's Philosophy'),
Murphey makes a big deal out of Peirce moving from predicate
logic to the logic of relatives to discuss the categories.
He goes so far as to claim that from 1885 Peirce operated
"substantial changes in the definitions of [the] categories",
and that "these changes are sufficiently great so that Peirce
ought to have adopted new names for them to prevent confusion
with his earlier papers". Murphey's analysis of the situation
rests in good measure on the index. His claim is that in the
New List, the index does not refer directly to an individual,
but rather to a concept. "The use of the term 'index' to mean a
sign which refers not to a concept but to an individual directly
does not appear until 1885 [...]". Now it is possible that I
have been misreading the New List for some time (projecting on
it, as it were, later notions), yet I find Murphey's take hard
to reconciliate with the idea, which we find in the New List,
according to which indices are not general signs. Peirce
defines indices as representations "whose relation to their
object consists in a correspondence in fact". Moreover,
the absence of generality in likenesses and indices is why
the rules of logic "have no immediate application" to them
(according to the 1867 view). Now isn't it the case that the
exclusion of indices from the rules of logic stems directly
from the fact that they do not refer to concepts (unlike what
Murphey is saying)? Doesn't correspondence in fact already
imply haecceity? Am I missing something here? What the final
section of the New List makes clear, I believe, is that Peirce
is unwilling in 1867 to fully consider the icon and the index
semeiotically, since he is confining his view to propositions
and arguments. And in that sense the logic of relatives,
by offering a view of the categories not subordinated to
propositional logic, may be what makes possible the
famous 1903 classification.

ML: I'll appreciate any help with this.

Some questions have been asked about Peirce's conception of signs,
especially indices, in the light of Murphey's reading of the role
of indices in Peirce's quantification theory. This brings up the
question of so-called "individual terms", whether they are purely
conventional and discourse-relative as such, or whether there may
be some sense in which they genuinely "denote" individual objects,
properly speaking, in a suitable domain of quantification that is
made of up of individuals, properly speaking. Assorted questions
about identity and teridentity also raised their Cerberean heads.

Having studied, developed, and applied the work of C.S. Peirce
for some 35 years now, mostly within the sorts of mathematical
contexts within which he himself first began to develop and to
publish them, although with ample respect to the traditions of
philosophy that preceded him, I think that I have some idea of
what C.S. Peirce meant by the various terms and ideas at issue,
and I think that I can speak to these issues with some hope of
clarifying them to anyone who would like to see them clarified.

The problems that certain representatives of certain schools of philosophy
have with grasping Peirce's very clear concepts, much less the basic facts
of the scientific context in which they found their origin and their first
significant bearings, the troubles that they have working up a desire just
to give a careful reading to what is evidently worth learning about within
C.S. Peirce's work -- that is where I see the red herrings in this sea.

Jon Awbrey



Subject: Theory Of Relations
From: Jon Awbrey <jawbrey[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 22:24:18 -0500
X-Message-Number: 34


TOR. Note 1


Let's see if we can build up a working theory of relations,
starting out as simply as we possibly can, forgetting most
of the finer subtleties of Peirce's distinctions, and yet
trying to build a system that will be roughly compatible
with the sorts of concepts that Peirce appeared to have
in mind, as it appears, that is, from reading what he
wrote, and from what we may know about the generic
mathematical background of his day.

If it were me, I would begin with a toy universe
like X = {i, j, k}, where the signs "i", "j", "k"
are taken to denote the distinct objects i, j, k,
repectively. It's not much, but it's enough for
a start.

Here are some relations that immediatedly,
if not exactly unmediatedly, come to mind:

The "2-identity relation" I_2 on X is the following set of ordered pairs:

I_2 = {(i, i), (j, j), (k, k)}

I will probably call it "I", not to be confused with me,
and bowing to convention call it the "identity relation".

For ease of expression, I will write relations in one
of the styles that Peirce was accustomed to write them,
in which the identity relation would be written like so:

I = i:i + j:j + k:k

He often called sets by the name of "aggregates" or "logical sums",
and so the plus sign here only signifies the aggregation of these
ordered pairs into a logical sum, or a "set" to us.

In this vein, the 3-identity relation over X would take the form:

I_3 = i:i:i + j:j:j + k:k:k

In general, a term of the form "x:y:z" denotes the
ordered triple that by any other name is (x, y, z).

To be continued ...

Jon Awbrey



Subject: Re: Theory Of Relations
From: Jon Awbrey <jawbrey[…]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 22:56:29 -0500
X-Message-Number: 35


TOR. Note 2


In view of the fact that X = {i, j, k} is a finite universe,
indeed, such a tiny universe, we can easily figure out how
many relations over X there are for any finite arity n
that you might care to name.

n = 1. A 1-adic relation is a subset of X^1 = X.
There are exactly 2^3 = 8 subsets of X.
So there are 8 1-adic relations over X.

n = 2. A 2-adic relation is a subset of X^2 = X x X.
There are 3 x 3 = 3^2 = 9 ordered 2-tuples in X^2.
So there are just 2^9 = 512 2-adic relations over X

n = 3. A 3-adic relation is a subset of X^3 = X x X x X.
There are 3 x 3 x 3 = 3^3 = 27 ordered 3-tuples in X^3.
So there are just 2^27 = 134217728 3-adic relations over X.

Like the man said:

| Of triadic Being the multitude of forms is so terrific that
| I have usually shrunk from the task of enumerating them ...

To be continued ...

Jon Awbrey



END OF DIGEST 11-22-02


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