PEIRCE-L Digest 1313 - February 27, 1998  

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Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: Hookway: Chapter 1
	by Howard Callaway 


Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 18:39:31 +0100 (MET)
From: Howard Callaway 
To: Multiple recipients of list 
Subject: Re: Hookway: Chapter 1

On Fri, 27 Feb 1998, Jim L Piat wrote:
(commenting on my note to Cathy)

> >You've got me wondering what Hookway eventually has to say about
> >Peirce's anti-nominalism. In many ways, this seems to me quite
> >central and very largely unappreciated. It is one important theme
> >continued in Dewey, though he seems to have come to it later. 
> >Also, you seem to get at part of what is distinctive in Peircean
> >realism.
> I was somewhat surprised, even shocked, but pleased when I saw your note.
> I had not yet seen you note earlier this morning when I sent mine off. 
> I'm glad to hear a real philosopher wonder about this issue. Because of
> my lack of background I'm never sure if my puzzlement is warranted or
> simply due to my general ignorance of the subject.  


Your comment is very generous, and much appreciated. Judging by your
contributions, you are being somewhat humble here. In any case, we
did both signal some similar interests in Cathy's summary of Hookway,
Chp. 1. I think this is a good sign that we were right to think it
so useful. 

> Also, I've started your book _CONTEXT FOR MEANING AND ANALYSIS_ and am
> enjoying it immensely. It goes right to the heart of many of my
> interests and questions. The book, although clearly written does require
> some careful attention, so I'm going slow and doing some rereading. 
> After a bit I hope to get back to you with some questions.  

Again, any attention you might want to devote to my book will be
much appreciated. I'd like to know what you find of value in it, and
what you might see to criticize. Although I wrote the book before
my active interest in Peirce began, I like to think that it does
reflect Peirce, in degree, as his influence was filtered through
American work in the philosophy of language. But you will see that
I was already finding my way in Dewey, as I wrote the book. Finishing
it, I was clearly turning to pragmatism.

Now I'm really curious to see how the discussion of Hookway may
turn out. 



H.G. Callaway
Seminar for Philosophy
University of Mainz



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