PEIRCE-L Digest 1322 - March 9, 1998
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From PEIRCE-L Forum, Jan 5, 1998, [name of author of message],
"re: Peirce on Teleology"
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Topics covered in this issue include:
1) Re: Of Laws and [Wo]Men
by patcop[…]bo.nettuno.it (Patrick J. Coppock)
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 14:55:34 +0100 (MET)
From: patcop[…]bo.nettuno.it (Patrick J. Coppock)
To: peirce-l[…]ttacs6.ttu.edu
Subject: Re: Of Laws and [Wo]Men
Peter, you wrote:
>Whether the review is any good is for others to judge, but I reviewed Misak's
>book (which, by the way, I greatly enjoyed reading) in The Transactions of the
>Charles S. Peirce Society, Spring 1992, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, pp. 311-321. While
>mostly favorable, the review does take issue with Misak on a couple of key
>points of interpretation. I think I still have an electronic copy on file, so
>if it is awkward for you to lay your hands on the relevant issue of the
>Transactions, I'll be happy to e-mail you a copy of my review.
I would be interested in reading your review. Can you e-mail it to me please?
Have you considered posting it to the Arisbe site, by the way? (I can't
really imagine the CSP Society opposing that on copyright grounds if you
were to ask permission to do so)
All best
Patrick J. Coppock tel. +47 73 59 08 71 (office)
The Norwegian University of tel. +47 73 59 88 70 (lab)
Technology and Science tel. +47 72 55 50 91 (home)
Dept. of Applied Linguistics fax: +47 73 59 81 50 (Norway)
N-7055 Dragvoll, Norway : +39 51 33 29 39 (Italy)
patcop[…]alfa.itea.ntnu.no (Norway)
patcop[…]bo.nettuno.it (Italy)
WWW http://www.hf.ntnu.no/anv/wwwpages/PJCHome2.html
"What is seductive about the causal approach is that it leads
one to say: "Of course, that's how it must be". While one
ought to think: In this, and in many other ways it may have
occurred." L. Wittgenstein, 2.7.1940