Dissertation Abstracts
Peirce's Semiotic Approach To Mind
Vincent Michael Colapietro
Degree: PH.D.
Year: 1983
Pages: 00241
Source: DAI, 45, no. 01A, (1983): 0205
The purpose of this study is to determine whether
there is any unified theory of mental phenomena in the writings of Charles
Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). Our thesis is that we find in Peirce's semiotic
approach to human consciousness a remarkably unified perspective.
In order to understand
Peirce's reflections on the nature of mind, it is necessary first to situate
them in the larger context of his philosophical system. Thus, in the first
chapter, we present an overview of his system of thought. In the second
chapter, we examine Peirce's concept of sign-activity or what he called
semiosis, since this constitutes for him the perspective from which all manifestations
of mind must be interpreted. In order to be in a position to grasp Peirce's
semiotic approach to mind, it is essential to have a basic understanding of his
concept of semiosis.
In the third chapter, we
consider the way in which Peirce's critique of intuitionism cleared the way for
his semiotic interpretation of mental phenomena. In the fourth chapter, we
examine the particulars of Peirce's attempt to interpret the various
modifications of human consciousness (e.g., sensation, emotion, and volition)
as instances of semiosis or sign-activity.
This semiotic
interpretation of mental phenomena is found in Peirce's early writings. But, as
a result of later refinements and developments in his understanding of
semiosis, Peirce's theory of mind undergoes corresponding refinements and
developments. In the fifth and final chapter, we examine Peirce's mature
formulation of his semiotic theory, a formulation which gives a prominent place
to both habits and self-control.
Descriptor: PHILOSOPHY
No: AAG8409277
Provider: OCLC
Database: Dissertations