Dissertation Abstract




The Analytic of Representation in

Charles S. Peirce's Early and Late Writings

L'Analytique de la Representation dans

Les Premiers et Derniers Ecrits de Charles S. Peirce


Andre De Tienne


Year:             1991

Pages:            652

Institution:      Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium); 5605

Source:           DAI, 52, no. 03C, (1991): 0309


In the first (French-written) part of the dissertation, Peirce's 1857-1867 writings are examined rigorously so as to reconstitute chronologically all the steps he followed to establish the main argument of his paper "On a New List of Categories." The basic categorial triadism is shown to originate in Peirce's reading of Schiller's Aesthetische Briefe, and all the phases of his struggle with Kant's Critique are described: notably the substitution of the "thought/thought-of" dichotomy for the phenomenon/noumenon dichotomy, and the rejection of both transcendentalism and dogmatism in favor of an in-between epistemological position, called metaphysical fideism (a pre-pragmatic attitude). Peirce's many accounts of the conceptual concatenation that grounds any modification of consciousness are then presented, and all the paragraphs of the "New List" are explained. This explanation traces every line of the text back to all previous writings, and refers to all the commentators of the juvenilia. Both the epistemological frame of the central argument and the method of deriving the categories are described in detail, and each category is completely explicated.

In the second (English-written) part, a great number of published and unpublished writings of the 1900-1914 period are examined, so as to reconstruct the argument Peirce had in mind when he inserted the doctrine of the categories into his classification of the sciences under the name of phenomenology or phaneroscopy. His definitions of the phaneron are sorted out into three categories. The notion of phaneron is compared with those of experience and perception, and Peirce is shown to reject the idea that the two concepts of manifestation and representation are synonymous.

Joseph Ransdell's position on the matter is criticized in depth. Then a description is given of the way representation can be said to originate in the self-presentation of the phaneron, and the passage from phaneron to sign is suggested to be Peirce's reformulation of the passage from the sense-manifold to unity. Some important considerations are made in the conclusion about the nature of phaneroscopy as a science at the juncture between mathematics and semiotics.



Language:         French


Descriptor:       PHILOSOPHY

Accession No:     AAGC182685

Provider:        OCLC

Database:         Dissertations