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Peirce, Euskaraz / Peirce, in Basque
Charles Sanders Peirce es conocido sobre todo como fundador del pragmatismo, tradición filosófica muy influyente en las primeras décadas del siglo XX, y cada vez más importante durante las últimas décadas de ese siglo. Este volumen contiene sus dos artículos más famosos e influyentes, "La fijación de la creencia" (1877) y "Cómo aclarar nuestras ideas" (1878), a los que seguimos volviendo en busca de la formulación original de las ideas pragmáticas.
"La fijación de la creencia" lanza la pregunta: �qué criterios normativos debemos seguir cuando investigamos o razonamos para ampliar nuestro conocimiento? Gran parte del artículo presenta un experimento mental, dise�ado para identificar estos principios rectores fundamentales.
"Cómo aclarar nuestras ideas" da el primer paso hacia el desarrollo científico. Peirce se pregunta: �qué tenemos que hacer si debemos tener completamente claro cuál es el contenido de un concepto o de una hipótesis? Merece la pena leer ambos artículos. Están llenos de ideas y argumentos y presentan algunos retos atractivos a las formas tradicionales de hacer filosofía.
Charles Sanders Peirce is best known as the founder of pragmatism, very influential in the early decades of the twentieth century philosophical tradition, and increasingly important during the last decades of that century. This volume contains his two most famous and influential articles, "The Fixation of Belief" (1877) and "How to Make Our Ideas Clear" (1878), who keep coming back looking for the original formulation of pragmatic ideas.
"The Fixation of Belief" asks the question: what normative criteria should we follow when investigating or reason to expand our knowledge? Much of the paper presents a thought experiment designed to identify these fundamental guiding principles.
"How to Make Our Ideas Clear" gives the first step towards scientific development. Peirce asks: what should we do if we have completely clear what the content of a concept or a hypothesis is?
It is worth reading both articles. They are full of ideas and arguments and present some attractive challenges to traditional ways of doing philosophy.
La lógica considerada como semiótica es el título que recibió la solicitud que Charles S. Peirce presentó a la Carnegie Institution en 1902. En su petición, Peirce solicitaba ayuda económica para poder terminar y exponer ante el mundo lo que él consideraba la obra de su vida : su sistema lógico. Su peculiar concepción de la lógica, entendida en sentido amplio como una semiótica, y su convicción de que todo cuanto existe puede ser considerado como signo, hacen que en este escrito aparezcan las claves principales del sistema peirceano, considerándose como uno de los pocos índices explícitos que Peirce dejó del conjunto de su pensamiento. El presente volumen se enmarca dentro de la labor de difusión de la obra de Charles Peirce en castellano que el Grupo de Estudios Peirceanos de la Universidad de Navarra (http://www.unav.es/gep/), del que Sara Barrena es coordinadora, viene realizando desde 1994, con la convicción de que en su pensamiento pueden encontrarse algunas claves decisivas para la cultura, la ciencia y la filosofía del siglo XXI.
"Logic, Regarded as Semeiotic" is the title of the proposal that Charles S. Peirce presented to the Carnegie Institution in 1902. In his petition, Peirce sought financial aid to finish and expose to the world that which he considered his life's work: his logical system. His peculiar conception of logic, broadly understood as a semiotic, and his belief that everything that exists can be regarded as a sign, cause the Peircean system's main keys to appear in this paper, regarded as one of the few explicit catalogues [índices] that Peirce left of the whole of his thought. The present volume is framed within the labor of spreading the work of Charles Peirce in Castilian that the Peirce Studies Group at the University of Navarra (http://www.unav.es/gep/), of which Sara Barrena is the coordinator, has been doing since 1994, with the conviction that in his thought can be found some decisive keys for the culture, science and philosophy of the 21st century.
En los últimos años de su vida, Charles S. Peirce, «el intelecto más original y versátil que América ha producido», retoma muchas cuestiones dentro de su evolución intelectual y trata de dar una forma definitiva al sistema de su pensamiento. En ese contexto se enmarcan los dos textos traducidos en este volumen: «Qué es el pragmatismo» (1905) y «Pragmatismo» (1908). «Las revistas filosóficas de todo el mundo están ahora, como sabe, rebosando de pragmatismo y antipragmatismo. A menudo, sin embargo, se escuchan expresiones elocuentes pero poco sinceras que traicionan la completa incomprensión de este nuevo ingrediente del pensamiento de nuestro tiempo, de modo que acepto gustosamente su invitación para explicar qué es realmente el pragmatismo, cómo llegó a ser y hacia dónde tiende».
Translation: In the last years of his life, Charles S. Peirce, "the most original and versatile intellect that America has produced" takes up many issues within his intellectual evolution and tries to give a final shape to the system his thought. In this context are framed the two texts translated in this volume: "What is Pragmatism" (1905) and "Pragmatism" (1908). "The philosophical journals, the world over, are just now brimming over, as you know, with pragmatism and antipragmatism. Often, however, one hears glib utterances that betray complete misunderstanding of this new ingredient of the throught of our time; so that I gladly accept your invitation to explain what pragmatism really is, how it came into being and whither it is tending."
"Evolutionary Love" cultminates a series of articles in which Peirce breaks definitively (or perhaps one should say, explicitly) with the philosophical orthodoxy of the time and place in which he lived, and largely seals his both professional and intellectual isolation. In it he proposes an ambitious speculative perspective in which he reviews the key ideas of Darwinian evolution to give them a turn where "love" (although certainly in a special definition thereof) becomes its main engine.
The present book collects the main texts that mark the progressive approach of the scientist Peirce to the key ideas of our religious tradition and his attempt to integrate them into his pragmatic philosophy. We discover thus an original (and largely still unexplored) look at that which Peirce himself calls "the marriage of science and religion."
The translation and editing is done by Sara Barrena, coordinator of Peirce Studies Group at the University of Navarra, one of the leading centers in the study of the work and thought of Peirce.
Read the review [PDF] in La Torre del Virrey. [by J. Santiago Pons Doménech in The Viceroy's Tower, Google-Englished].
- The Essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume I 1867-1893. Charles Sanders Peirce. Editors: Nathan Houser and Christian J. W. Kloesel. Indiana University Press, 1992. Editions. 448 pages.
- The Essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume II 1893-1913. Charles Sanders Peirce. Editors during stage 1: Nathan Houser and Christian J. W. Kloesel. Editors during stage 2: The Peirce Edition Project. Indiana University Press, 1998. Editions. 624 pages.
- Houser faculty page. Kloesel (dec.) faculty page and spotlight page.
Pragmatismin perustajana tunnettu Charles Sanders Peirce (1839�1914) on yksi Yhdysvaltain merkittävimpiä filosofeja. Tähän kokoelmaan on suomennettu Peircen keskeisimpiä kirjoituksia ensi sijassa tieto-opista, tieteenfilosofiasta ja metafysiikasta. Näistä aiheista Peirce kirjoitti osan yleistajuisimpia ja tärkeimpiä artikkeleitaan. Monille tieteen pääperiaatteille hän esitti klassisen muotoilun, joka on vieläkin pätevä, ja useat filosofit (Popper, Apel, Niiniluoto) ovat kehittäneet sitä edelleen. Peirce esittelee aikansa tieteet, keskittyy luonnontieteiden suureen murrokseen ja tähyilee kiinnostavasti menneeseen ja tulevaan. |
Known as the founder of pragmatism, Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) is one of the most important philosophers from the United States. A selection from Peirce's most central writings on, first and foremost, epistemology, philosophy of science, and metaphysics have been translated for this anthology. On these subjects Peirce wrote a number of his most popular and important articles. For many leading principles of science, he presented a classical formulation, which is still valid, and a number of philosophers (Popper, Apel, Niiniluoto) have developed them further. Peirce introduces contemporary disciplines of science, focusing on the great scientific revolution [of his age], and presents interesting vistas into the past and the future. |
Comment se fixe la croyance
. The Fixation of Belief.] Charles Sanders Peirce. Translator: Peirce. Series
La Logique de la Science
, Première Partie. Revue Philosophique, vol. VI, December 1878.
Comment rendre nos idées claires
. How to Make Our Ideas Clear.] Written first in French by Charles Sanders Peirce. Series
La Logique de la Science
, Deuxième Partie. Revue Philosophique, vol. VII, January 1879 (written in 1877).
Au travers des textes de Peirce (1839-1914) se fait jour une démarche tout à fait originale, au carrefour de ce que nous appellerions logique, phénoménologie ou sémiologie. Il s'agit bien du signe, mais sa théorie s'organise selon des catégories très différentes de celles auxquelles nous sommes habitués, et ces catégories ne sont établies qu'après une minutieuse enquête sur les phénomènes. Il en résulte une classification et une description où Peirce met l'accent sur la façon dont le signe agit et s'ouvre sur une chaîne d'interprétants qui peut être infinie. Peirce a ainsi donné à la sémiologie anglo-saxonne son orientation propre, très distincte du programme saussurien. Il y a là, pour les lecteurs français, la possibilité de renouveler et d'approfondir leur conception du signe, de son interprétation et de son action. |
Through the texts of Peirce (1839-1914) emerges a completely original approach at the crossroads of what we call logic, semiotics or phenomenology. It is very much a matter of the sign, but his theory is organized according to categories different from those those which we are accustomed, and these categories are established after a thorough investigation of the phenomena. The result is a classification and description where Peirce emphasizes how the sign is and opens a chain of interpretants which may be infinite. Peirce has given Anglo-Saxon semiology Anglo-Saxon his own orientation, very distinct from the Saussurian program. There is, for French readers the opportunity to renew and deepen their understanding of signs, interpretation and action. |
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) est un philosophe, logicien, mathématicien et physicien américain, surtout connu en France comme le fondateur du pragmatisme et de la sémiotique (ou théorie des signes). En dépit de son extraordinaire productivité, l'œuvre de Peirce se présente souvent de manière fragmentée. « Le Raisonnement et la logique des choses » constitue à ce titre une exception : originellement présentées en 1898, ces huit conférences données à Harvard constituent l'introduction la plus accessible, la plus complète, et la plus systématique à la philosophie de Peirce. On y voit développées : 1.- ses idées sur la nature de la philosophie 2.- ses idées majeures en matière de logique formelle 3.- son insistance enfin sur la nécessité de la métaphysique et d'une cosmologie évolutionnaire en accord avec les sciences et les mathématiques. Les conférences sont précédées par une longue introduction à la fois biographique (due à K. Ketner) et philosophique (avec des éclaircissements remarquables donnés par l'un des philosophes contemporains les plus notoires, Hilary Putnam, sur le concept de continu chez Peirce et la mise en perspective contemporaine des thèmes qu'il développe dans ses conférences). Cet ouvrage a le mérite de proposer aussi bien au profane qu'au spécialiste un accès aux idées forces de la philosophie de Peirce et de montrer qu'il ne fut pas seulement le père du pragmatisme mais l'un des fondateurs des courants majeurs de la modernité en philosophie des sciences, de la logique, et du langage, comme en métaphysique. |
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) was a philosopher, logician, mathematician and physicist American, known in France as the founder of pragmatism and semiotics (or theory of signs). Despite his extraordinary productivity, Peirce's work has often been presented in a fragmentary manner. Reasoning and the Logic of Things as such constitutes an exception originally presented in 1898, these eight lectures at Harvard are the most accessible introduction, the most complete and most systematic philosophy of Peirce. We see developed: 1. - His ideas about the nature of philosophy 2. - His major ideas in formal logic 3. - Finally his insistence on the necessity of metaphysics and cosmology consistent with evolutionary science and mathematics. The lectures are preceded by a long introduction to both biographical (due to K. Ketner) and philosophical (with remarkable clarity given by one of the most notable contemporary philosophers, Hilary Putnam, Peirce's concept of continuous and put in perspective contemporary themes that he developed in his lectures). This book has the merit of offering both the layman that access to specialist ideas of Peirce's philosophy and showing that he was not only the father of pragmatism but one of the founders of the major currents of modern philosophy of science, logic, and language, as well as in metaphysics. |
- Reasoning and the Logic of Things: The Cambridge Conference Lectures of 1898. Charles Sanders Peirce. Editing and commentary: Kenneth Laine Ketner. Introduction: Ketner and Hilary Putnam. Harvard University Press, 1992. Editions. 448 pages.
- Table of contents:
- Editorial Procedures, xi-xii
- Abbreviations, xiii-xiv
- Introduction: The Consequences of Mathematics, 1-54
(Kenneth Laine Ketner and Hilary Putman)- Comment on the Lectures, 55-102 (Hilary Putman)
- Lecture One: Philosophy and the Conduct of Life, 105-122
- Lecture Two: Types of Reasoning, 123-142
- [Exordium for Lecture Three], 143-145
- Lecture Three: The Logic of Relatives, 146-164
- Lecture Four: First Rule of Logic, 165-180
- Lecture Five: Training in Reasoning, 181-196
- Lecture Six: Causation and Force, 197-217
- Lecture Seven: Habit, 218-241
- Lecture Eight: The Logic of Continuity, 242-270
- Notes, 272-288
- Index, 289-297
- Ketner's website (I.S.P.). Putnam faculty page.
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), philosophe, logicien, mathématicien et scientifique américain, est surtout connu comme le fondateur du pragmatisme (mouvement souvent associé au matérialisme, à l'empirisme et aux noms de William James et de John Dewey). Cette philosophie à part entière instaure une nouvelle médiation entre théorie et pratique, fondée sur une réévaluation du langage symbolique, de la sémiotique (ou théorie des signes), des catégories de la pensée, et de la métaphysique. En dépit de son extraordinaire productivité, l'œuvre de Peirce se présente souvent de manière fragmentée. Avec « Pragmatisme et pragmaticisme » commence la publication française des principaux écrits de ce philosophe majeur, dont l'œuvre est indispensable pour comprendre l'évolution de philosophes européens ou « continentaux » comme Habermas et Apel aussi bien que celle des courants qui se rattachent à la philosophie analytique. Les « œuvres » veulent combler une lacune et présenter au public français un choix significatif des multiples facettes de la pensée de Peirce par ordre thématique et le plus souvent chronologique. Les résultats de la recherche en cours menée par l'édition américaine (Peirce Edition Project, Université d'Indiana) sont pris en compte, et l'édition s'appuie sur les manuscrits autographes (en donnant toujours les références). Le volume I, « Pragmatisme et pragmaticisme » comporte deux parties : dans la première, un ensemble de textes retrace, par ordre chronologique, l'élaboration progressive du pragmatisme peircien depuis les années 1868 jusqu'à la formulation de la « maxime pragmatiste » dans les articles de 1878-1879. Dans une seconde partie, les sept conférences prononcées en 1903 à Harvard permettent de saisir l'unité mais aussi la grande complexité et la spécificité de la version « pragmaticiste » proposée par Peirce du pragmatisme. |
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) an American philosopher, logician, mathematician and scientist, is especially known as the founder of pragmatism (a movement associated with materialism, empiricism and the names of William James and John Dewey). This philosophy in its own right institutes a new mediation between theory and practice, founded on the re-assessment of symbolic language, semiotics, categories of thought and metaphysics. Despite his extraordinary productivity, the work of Peirce is often presented in a fragmented manner. ‘Pragmatisme et pragmaticisme’ launches the publication of Peirce’s principal writings in France. A major philosopher, his work is indispensable for those who wish to understand the evolution of European philosophers or the ‘continentals’ like Habermas or Apel, as well as the currents associated with analytical philosophy. This book aims to fill a void by presenting to the French public a significant choice of the many facets of Peirce’s thought presented in thematic - and most often chronological - order. The results of on-going research conducted for the American publisher (Peirce Edition Project, University of Indiana) have been taken into account. This edition draws on the author’smanuscripts (references are always provided). Volume 1, ‘Pragmatisme et pragmaticisme’ is in two parts: in the first a group of texts retraces, in chronological order, the progressive elaboration of Peirce’s pragmatism from 1868 to the formulation of the ‘pragmatist maxim’ in the articles of 1878-79. In the second part, the seven conferences given at Harvard allow us to grasp the unity, but also the complexity and specificity of the ‘pragamticist’ version of pragmatism, proposed by Peirce. |
« Pragmatisme et sciences normatives » constitue le deuxième volume de l'édition française des Œuvres de Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), philosophe, logicien, mathématicien, homme de science et métaphysicien américain, dont l'œuvre monumentale est indispensable pour comprendre les principaux courants de la philosophie contemporaine, de la tradition dite « continentale » à la philosophie analytique. Les Œuvres visent à combler une lacune et à présenter au public français un choix significatif des multiples facettes de la pensée de ce philosophe majeur, en suivant un ordre thématique et le plus souvent chronologique ; les résultats de la recherche en cours menée par l'édition américaine (Peirce Edition Project, Université d'Indiana) sont pris en compte, et l'édition s'appuie sur les manuscrits autographes (en donnant toujours les références). Ce deuxième volume complète le choix de textes opéré dans le volume I, « Pragmatisme et pragmaticisme », qui retraçait l'élaboration du pragmatisme peircien depuis les années 1868 jusqu'à la formulation de la « maxime pragmatiste » dans les articles de 1878-1879, et montrait, à la lumière des conférences prononcées à Harvard en 1903, l'unité et la spécificité de la démarche peircienne. Il s'agit ici de préciser le sens de ce pragmaticisme, de lever des malentendus, de faire voir notamment ce qui le sépare des versions humanistes, matérialistes, hédonistes, nominalistes qu'en donnent W. James, F.C.S. Schiller ou l'italien Calderoni. De montrer comment il s'articule à une philosophie du sens commun critique inspirée de la philosophie écossaise (Thomas Reid), mais aussi de Kant. Les textes réunis à la fin du volume soulignent les liens étroits entre pragmatisme et sciences normatives (logique, pratique – plutôt qu'éthique – et esthétique), dégageant la subtilité de la version peircienne : non pas une vision du monde ou un système qui réduirait la pensée à l'action, à l'utile, au vital ou à la morale, mais une méthode expérimentale et réaliste du contrôle normé de la conduite, visant un idéal ultime dans lequel s'équilibrent instinct, sentiment et raison. |
Pragmatism and Normative Sciences is the second volume of the French edition of the Œuvres of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), philosopher, logician, mathematician, scientist and metaphysician U.S., whose monumental work is needed to understand the main currents of contemporary philosophy, of the tradition called "continental" in analytic philosophy. The works aim to fill a gap and to present the French public a meaningful choice of many facets of the thought of the philosopher,in following a thematic and oftenest chronological order; the results of the research being conducted by the American edition (Peirce Edition Project, Indiana University) are taken into account, and the edition is based on the autograph manuscripts (always giving references). This second volume completes the choice of texts made in Volume I, "Pragmatism and pragmaticism," which traced the development of Peircean pragmatism from the years 1868 to the formulation of the "pragmatic maxim" in articles 1878-1879 and showed, in the light of lectures delivered at Harvard in 1903, the unity and specificity of the Peircean approach. It is necessary to clarify the meaning of this pragmaticism, resolve misunderstandings, especially to see what separates it from the humanistic, materialistic, hedonistic, nominalistic versions of it that W. James, F.C.S. Schiller, and the Italian Calderoni give of it. To show how it articulates a philosophy of critical common sense inspired by the Scottish philosophy (Thomas Reid), but also of Kant. The texts gathered at the end of the volume emphasize the close links between pragmatism and normative sciences (logic, practics - rather than ethics - and aesthetics), clarifying the subtlety of the Peircean version: not a worldview or a system that reduces thought to action, to the useful, to the vital, or to the moral, but an experimental and realist method of normed control of conduct, for an ultimate ideal in which instinct, sentiment, and reason are balanced. |
Claudine Tiercelin Pierre Thibaud Présentation—7
Index des noms propres — 397 |
Claudine Tiercelin Pierre Thibaud Presentation — 7
Index of names — 397 |
« Écrits logiques » constitue le troisième volume de l'édition française des « Œuvres » de Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), philosophe, logicien, mathématicien, homme de science et métaphysicien américain, dont l'œuvre monumentale est indispensable pour comprendre les principaux courants de la philosophie contemporaine, de la tradition dite « continentale » á la philosophie analytique. En suivant le plus souvent un ordre chronologique, ce troisième volume a pour objet de mettre en perspective les principales contributions peirciennes á l'histoire de la logique mathématique : lecteur des scolastiques et de Boole, Peirce renouvelle la théorie du syllogisme, met en évidence des formes irréductibles d'argument (induction et abduction) au sein d'une théorie de l'information véhiculée par les symboles. Il invente, dans la ligne de Boole et de Schroeder, et indépendamment de la tradition Frege-Peano-Russell, des concepts clés de la logique mathématique contemporaine, passant d'une logique des classes et des relations á une logique des propositions et des prédicats du premier ordre, esquissant une extension de la quantification aux variables prédicatives dans le cadre d'une logique de seconde intention (ou « de second ordre »). Il privilégie une logique non plus algébrique mais graphique (voire topologique) orientée vers l'expression de la modalité, mieux á m�me d'illustrer la décomposition analytique des étapes de l'inférence. Car á la différence des mathématiques, science dont l'objet est de tirer des conclusions nécessaires, la logique est la science de la manière dont on tire ces conclusions. Aussi ne se réduit-elle jamais pour Peirce á une simple théorie de la déduction : la logique concerne, outre la classification des raisonnements et la question du fondement de la validité des lois qu'elle découvre, tous les problèmes liés aux facultés ou aux « formes de pensée » ainsi que l'élaboration d'une liste des catégories. Tant il est vrai, comme le montrent ces textes et pour d'autres raisons philosophiques et métaphysiques qui appara�tront dans le quatrième volume des « Œuvres », que « les concepts les plus communs et les plus indispensables ne sont que des objectivations de formes logiques ». |
Écrits Logiques is the third volume of the French edition of the Œuvres of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), American philosopher, logician, mathematician, scientist and metaphysician, whose monumental work is needed to understand the main currents of contemporary philosophy, of the tradition called "continental" in analytic philosophy. Following oftenest a chronological order, this third volume aims to put into perspective the main Peircean contributions to the history of mathematical logic: reader of the scholastics and Boole, Peirce renews the theory of the syllogism, highlights irreducible forms of argument (induction and abduction) in a theory of information conveyed by symbols. He invented, in the line of Boole and Schroeder, and independently of the Peano-Russell-Frege tradition, key concepts of contemporary mathematical logic, passing from a logic of classes and relations to a propositional logic and a first-order predicate logic, outlining an extension of quantification to the predicate variables within the framework of a logic of second intention (or "second order"). He favors a logic that is not more algebraic but graphical (or topological), oriented toward the expression of modality, better able to illustrate the analytical decomposition of the steps of inference. For, unlike mathematics, a science whose object is to draw the necessary conclusions, logic is the science of the way in which one draws these conclusions. As well, it never is reduced for Peirce to a simple theory of deduction: logic includes, beyond the classification of reasonings and the question of the basis of the validity of laws that it discovers, all problems tied to the faculties or " forms of thought" as well as the elaboration of a list of categories. So true is it, as shown in these texts and other philosophical and metaphysical reasons that will appear in the fourth volume of "works", that "the commonest and most indispensable conceptions are nothing but the objectificatons of logical forms". |
Présentation de l'ouvrage : C. S. Peirce, (1839-1914), philosophe et logicien américain, est l’un des grands penseurs du XXe siècle. À la recherche d’une méthode est l’un des nombreux projets de livres que Peirce soumit à ses éditeurs. Il en établit le texte en 1893, il y a tout juste 100 ans, et jusqu’en 1907 ne cessa d’envisager des corrections et modifications dont les articles du Monist de 1905 tiennent compte en très grande partie. C’est ce texte, qui n’a jamais paru en anglais sous cette forme, que nous publions en traduction française. D’autres projets qui ne virent pas non plus le jour se rapportaient aux innovations que Peirce avaient introduites en logique. À la recherche d’une méthode est è la fois traité de l’interprétation, discours de la méthode et méditation philosophique. Sa modernité est frappante, qu’il s’agisse de la nouvelle liste de catégories, que Peirce substitue à celle de Kant, ou de la méthode pragmatique, qu’il développe pour remplacer le doute méthodologique de Descartes, et de la métaphysique scientifique qu’il en dégage, et dont on appréciera l’actualité : l’architecture triadique des théories, la critique de la doctrine de la nécessité, la loi de l’esprit, l’essence biologique de l’homme et la nouvelle philosophie politique que Peirce propose à l’homme de la « seconde moitié du XXe siècle », autrement dit tout ce qui est en jeu dans la philosophie pragmaticiste. Ont collaboré à la traduction, outre le directeur de la publication qui en assume la responsabilité, Michel Balat, André de Tienne, Janice Deledalle-Rhodes et Joëlle Réthoré. |
Presentation of the book: C. S. Peirce (1839-1914), American philosopher and logician, is one of the great thinkers of the twentieth century. In Search of a Method is one of many book projects that Peirce submitted to his publishers. He began the text in 1893, it was just 100 years ago[?], and until 1907 he did not cease considering the corrections and modifications which his articles in the Monist of 1905 reflect largely. This is the text, which has never appeared in English in this form, which we publish in French translation. Other projects that do not saw the day were related to innovations that Peirce introduced into logic. Seeking a method is at once treaty interpretation, Discourse on Method, and philosophical meditation. Its modernity is striking, be it a matter of the new list of categories that Peirce substitutes for that of Kant, or of the pragmatic method, which he develops to replace the methodological doubt of Descartes, and the scientific metaphysics that he brings out of it, and of which we appreciate the presentness: triadic architecture of the theories, criticism of the doctrine of necessity, the law of mind, the biological essence of man and the new political philosophy that Peirce offers to the man of the "second half of the twentieth century", i.e., everything that is at stake in pragmaticist philosophy. Collaborated in the translation, in addition to publishing director who is responsible, Michel Balat, André de Tienne, Janice Deledalle-Rhodes, and Joëlle Réthoré. |
Charles S. Peirce kept a logic notebook from 1865 to his death. By writing he experimented there with his ideas: "Here I write but never after read what I have written for what I write is done in the process of forming a conception." He experimented there and dated it: we can therefore follow in traces there the birth and development of his ideas.
Estratto del libro
Charles Sanders Peirce, primo e insuperato "analista dei segni" dell'epoca odierna, scruta con occhi da fenomenologo l'impianto cosmico e i suoi indizi millenari, ne trae spunti di riflessione, conferme alle proprie ipotesi filosofiche, ma sopra tutto e inaspettatamente per chi come noi non è più incantato dall'"infinito universo e mondi" ne ridisegna i contorni per rispecchiarvi una storia del segno e delle sue figure fenomeniche. Quest'antologia nasce proprio con l'intento di manifestare tale incontro tra semiotica e cosmologia, senza dubbio tra i più affascinanti e proficui dell'opera peirceana, anche se molto discusso o a volte decisamente trascurato. O, meglio, nasce con l'intento di palesare come Peirce, raffinato e intelligente costruttore di neologismi semiotici, si occupasse, nel medesimo periodo e con identica passione, dei misteri dell'universo, della sua storia, delle sue regole di funzionamento, giungendo a edificare un potente "sistema" di cosmologia. Gli strumenti che egli utilizza in quest'indagine sono, poi, gli stessi con cui affronta ogni altra questione teoretica: sono i modelli logici, le categorie faneroscopiche, la massima pragmatica. Anche questo dovrebbe fare riflettere sulla profonda unità del pensiero peirceano e sull'impossibilità di emarginare quest'importante parte del suo lavoro: la cosmologia non fu infatti l'ultimo, patetico divertimento di un filosofo un po' eccentrico, che mai seppe assoggettarsi agli ordinamenti teorici dell'Accademia, ma rappresentò una parte vitale � forse il cuore stesso � di una filosofia originale, ricca, brillante, unica per il suo carattere multiverso nel panorama del pensiero contemporaneo. È Peirce stesso a insistere più volte su questo punto quando indica come uno dei problemi fondamentali della teoria del ragionare "quale specie di concezione dovremmo avere dell'universo", quando si dichiara convinto dell'esistenza di una sorta di "co-understanding" tra uomo e natura o quando scrive che "la legge della mente è l'armonia celeste e vivente". I segni non sono, dunque, unicamente strumenti formali che servono a ordinare metodicamente il campo dello scibile umano, ma rappresentano la chiave di comprensione della realtà in cui ci muoviamo e, anzi, sono la realtà stessa "dal nostro punto di vista". Così "l'intero universo è pervaso di segni, se non addirittura esclusivamente composto di essi". La presente antologia offre al lettore un'originale sintesi del pensiero di Charles Sanders Peirce, il più importante filosofo americano di tutti i tempi, grande logico e creatore della semiotica e del pragmatismo. Il suo tema riguarda il rapporto fra teoria dei segni, filosofia e cosmologia, che fu sempre il nodo speculativo unitario al quale Peirce ispirò le sue ricerche. Esso è qui presentato e svolto con l'ausilio di alcuni manoscritti finora mai apparsi a stampa, eccezionalmente concessi dalla Harvard University Press e dal "Peirce Edition Project" che sta curando la nuova edizione cronologica dei papers peirceiani. All'interesse teorico si aggiunge quindi l'eccezionalità dell'evento editoriale. Il volume si conclude con una lettera di Peirce a Mario Calderoni, sconosciuta in Italia nella sua versione integrale, che è un'ulteriore e preziosa testimonianza dei rapporti del pragmatismo di Peirce con la cultura italiana del '900. |
Excerpt from the book
Charles Sanders Peirce, the first and unsurpassed "analyst of signs" of the present time, peers with the eyes of the phenomenologist at the cosmic framework and its permillenial clues, draws starting points of reflection, confirms their philosophical hypotheses, but above all for those who unexpectedly and as we no longer enchanted by '"infinite universe and worlds" he redraws the boundaries for rispecchiarvi a history of the sign and its figures phenomenal. This anthology is born with the intent to manifest such meeting between semiotics and cosmology, without a doubt among the most fascinating and profitable Peirce's work, although much discussed, or sometimes downright overlooked. Or, rather, was created with the intent to reveal how Peirce, refined and intelligent manufacturer of neologisms semiotic, deals with it, in the same period and with the same passion, the mysteries of the universe, its history, its rules of operation, reaching to build a powerful "system" of cosmology. The tools that he uses in this investigation are, then, the same with which he faces every other theoretical issue: are the logical models, phaneroscopic categories, the pragmatic maxim. This should also make us reflect on the profound unity of thought Peirce and the impossibility to marginalize this important part of his work: the cosmology was not in fact the last, pathetic fun of a philosopher, a bit 'eccentric, who never knew how to submit to the laws theorists of the Academy, but it represented a vital part - perhaps the very heart - an original philosophy, rich, brilliant, unique in its multiversal character in the panorama of contemporary thought. Peirce himself insisted several times on this point when he says that one of the fundamental problems of the theory of thinking "what kind of conception we have of the universe", when convinced of the existence of a kind of "co-understanding" between man and nature, or when he writes that "the law of the mind is the celestial harmony and living." The signs are not, therefore, only formal tools that are used to sort methodically the field of human knowledge, but they represent the key to understanding the reality in which we move and, indeed, are the reality itself "from our point of view." So "the whole universe is pervaded by signs, if not exclusively composed of them." This anthology offers the reader an original synthesis of the thought of Charles Sanders Peirce, the most important American philosopher of all time, great logician and founder of semiotics and pragmatism. Its theme is the relationship between theory of signs, philosophy and cosmology, which was always the node speculative unit to which Peirce inspired his research. It is presented here and carried out with the help of some manuscripts never before appeared in print, exceptionally granted by Harvard University Press and the "Peirce Edition Project" which is overseeing the new edition of the papers chronological peirceiani. The interest theorist was then added this exceptional event publishing. The volume concludes with a letter from Peirce to Mario Calderoni, unknown in Italy in its full version, which is an additional and valuable evidence of the relationship of the pragmatism of Peirce with Italian culture '900. |
Questa antologia rende disponibili in lingua italiana alcuni testi fondamentali, alcuni inediti, del filosofo pragmatista americano intorno a mente, mondo e scrittura. Susanna Marietti, che collabora alle ricerche della cattedra di filosofia teoretica della Università Statale di Milano, con la sua introduzione e la sua scelta conduce i lettori al centro del pragmatismo di Peirce, del quale i celebri grafi esistenziali costituiscono il tratto più originale.
This anthology makes available some basic texts in Italian, some unpublished, of the American pragmatist philosopher around the mind, the world and writing. Susanna Arnold, who collaborates with research professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of Milan, with its introduction and its choice takes readers to the center of the pragmatism of Peirce, of which the famous existential graphs constitute the most original trait.
Il volume contiene un'ampia selezione di scritti del filosofo americano Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), fondatore del pragmatismo e della semiotica. Chimico, fisico, astronomo, matematico e soprattutto logico di impostazione rigorosamente realistica, egli fu condotto dai suoi studi così variegati anche a un ripensamento della metafisica onde trovarvi una reale giustificazione dei passaggi logici su cui si fondano le nostre operazioni mentali.
The volume contains a wide selection of the writings of the American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), the founder of pragmatism and semiotics. Chemist, physicist, astronomer, mathematician, and above all logicianl of strictly realistic setting, he was taken from his studies as varied also a rethinking of metaphysics in order to find a real justification of logical steps that underpin our mental operations.
2. PUBLICATION NEWS: "Scritti scelti di Charles Sanders Peirce" (2005)
A recently published the book "Scritti di Charles Sanders Peirce scelti" (Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, Turin, 2005) that has led the prof editor. Giovanni Maddalena.
We thank Sara F. Auger's recension has written this book and transcribed in full below:
"Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914), founder of pragmatism and father of modern semiotics, has sometimes been regarded as one of the most important philosophers of all time. Despite the scant attention that the legacy of Peirce received in the years after his death, in recent decades we have witnessed the resurgence of pragmatism and, in particular, the work of Peirce, who has acquired great importance in various fields. study of his thought has experienced significant growth, not only in America but around the world and in several languages, as shown in this volume.
Giovanni Maddalena, a professor at the University of Molise, presents a wide collection of Italian translations of some of the most important writings of Peirce. This is particularly of 27 texts, divided into five stages, ranging from the early writings of Peirce in the 1860s to recent articles written only a few years before his death. Among these texts include lecture series that Peirce gave at Cambridge in 1898 and 1903, called "Cambridge Lectures" and "Harvard Lectures." Some of the texts collected here had been previously published in Italian in various compilations, but others remained unpublished in English. In addition, two of them have never been published in English ("Meaning", MS 634, 1909 and "The Art of Reasoning Elucidated", MS 678, 1910).
The volume opens with an introduction in which Maddalena stops at the main points of each of the five stages of Peirce's thought in which texts are divided: the phenomenon of representation, the pragmatic maxim, the scientific method, the classification of the sciences, and so on. The following is a biographical sketch and a bibliography of Peirce and in English, as well as a list of translations of existing Italian Peirce. A "historical note" also give an idea of the different steps you have followed the publication of the work Peice,since the firt edition of "Collected Papers" (1931-1958), to the project timeline editing which is currently developing the Peirce Edition Project at Indiana University, which have already seen the light of thirty-six projected volumes. The "Historical Note" also contains references to the collected texts, their original sources, places of publication and authors of the Italian translations.
The interpretation of Peircean thought for years has provoked strong disagreement among Peirce scholars, due in part to the fragmentary and chaotic presentation of his work in "Collected Papers". One of the merits of this Italian collection s precisely the permanent consideration of the chronological factor. It is located well within a stream, and almost unanimously accepted that considers basic coherence and systematization of Peirce's thought undeniable. Against those who saw him as a thinker contradictory (Goudge, 1950), or with four successive systems (Murphey, 1961), noted increasingly systematicity and unity of Peircean thought, and its total evolution from his early writings on 1865 until his death in 1914.
Overall, we can say that this is a valuable work framed in a Mediterranean community of thinkers in which pragmatism is received, valued, welcomed and in a sense becomes. This volume may be of great help to the Italian-speaking Peircean scholars, but also more broadly, to all those who make up that community growing research in the purest spirit Peircean work with each other " .
Nel 1902 Charles Peirce, dopo più di trent'anni di ricerca filosofica, creò una nuova disciplina che pose a fondamento di tutto il suo pensiero: la fenomenologia. A questa scienza spetta il compito di osservare tutto ciò che giunge davanti alla mente e rintracciare i suoi elementi universali. Solo a partire dalla fenomenologia è possibile costruire una filosofia solida e sempre sulla fenomenologia deve essere fondata la logica, che fu l'interesse primario degli studi di Peirce. Questa antologia raccoglie alcuni scritti che il padre del pragmatismo dedicò all'analisi dell'esperienza; si tratta di testi in gran parte inediti che vogliono mostrare un lato meno conosciuto del grande filosofo americano, il quale si occupò di vissuti e percezione con lo stesso rigore con il quale studiò la logica dei relativi. Non si tratta però di due facce contraddittorie di un pensatore poco sistematico: al fondo delle ricerche fenomenologiche si trova la stessa domanda sulla natura autentica della realtà che aveva dato origine alla semiotica; per questo le discipline si intersecano e molti temi di logica e matematica contribuiscono all'osservazione dell'esperienza. Allo stesso tempo emerge anche un tratto caratteristico della filosofia peirceiana, vale a dire quello di essere in perenne ricerca, senza mai accontentarsi di soluzioni provvisorie. Per questo motivo i testi seguono un ordine cronologico dal quale traspare il lavoro di correzione continua, unica via possibile per raggiungere in the long run la verità. |
In 1902, Charles Peirce, after more than thirty years of philosophical inquiry, he created a new discipline that rests as the foundation of all his thought: phenomenology. In this science has the task of observing everything that comes before the mind and track its universal elements. Only from phenomenology is it possible to build a solid philosophy and phenomenology must always be based on logic, which was the primary focus of studies of Peirce. This anthology collects some of the writings that the father of pragmatism devoted to the analysis of the experience. This is largely unpublished texts that they want to show a lesser-known side of the great American philosopher, who took care of perception and lived with the same rigor with which he studied the logic of relatives. This is not contradictory to the two faces of a very systematic thinker at the bottom of phenomenological research is the same question about the true nature of reality that gave rise to semiotics; why the disciplines intersect and many topics of logic and mathematics contribute to the observation of the experience. At the same time also shows a characteristic feature of Peirce's philosophy, namely that of being in perpetual search, never settling for temporary solutions. For this reason, the texts follow a chronological order, as evidenced by the work of continuous correction, the only way possible to achieve in the long run the truth. |
Charles S. Peirce e William James, le cui personalità intellettuali sono annoverate tra le più interessanti del pensiero occidentale. Coprendo un arco temporale di oltre trent�anni e toccando questioni che vanno dal significato e dall�utilità del pragmatismo fino alla fondazione della semiotica, alla natura della coscienza e alla metafisica, il carteggio rappresenta un importante punto di riferimento per la valutazione della nascita e dello sviluppo della filosofia americana tra la seconda metà dell�800 e la prima guerra mondiale, nonché per la ricostruzione dell�impatto della filosofia pragmatista sul pensiero contemporaneo.
The book brings together for the first time the letters most significant correspondence between the founder of pragmatism, Charles S. Peirce and William James, whose intellectual personalities are among the most interesting of Western thought. Covering a period of over thirty years and touching issues ranging from the meaning and utility of pragmatism to the founding of semiotics, the nature of consciousness and metaphysics, the correspondence is an important point of reference for the evaluation of birth and the development of American philosophy in the second half of the 800 and the First World War, as well as for the reconstruction of the impact of pragmatist philosophy on contemporary thought.
Charles Sanders Peirce, the famous American philosopher, logician, refers to one of the founders of the No. scientist, pragmatism. In epistemology, metaphysics, logic, semiotics, etc. are made a number of important points, the classical pragmatists of its new practical text advocates analytic philosophers have different procedures, so twelve Ten years ago in the Western philosophical community has welcomed the wave of the wave of "Peirce hot".
Pragmatism is the oldest American history, the impact of the most widely used philosophy dominant genre, not only in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom, France, Italy and China have a certain impact. In order to facilitate Chinese readers a comprehensive understanding of the school's point of view, to Peking 12 representative masterpiece.
This volume a selection of 28 key papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, focus reflects the basic stance of his pragmatism, his epistemology, metaphysics, mathematics, logic , refers to the basic point of view of semiotics, etc. , as well as his scientific and religious views. Book with eight volumes of the "Peirce Anthology" (English version) directory, where you can see all of the profiles, can be used as the index of search-depth study of the Peirce philosophy.
How to Make Our Ideas Clear.] Charles Sanders Peirce.
Euskara (Basque): Artikulu eta hitzaldien bilduma ISBN: 84-96455-05-X Egilea: Charles Sanders Peirce Itzultzailea: Ibon Uribarri Zenekorta Hitzaurrea: Nathan Houser Argitaratze eguna: 2005-07-08 Orrialde kopurua: 416 Salneurria –BEZ: 28,55 € Salneurria: 27,45 € Laburpena: Nahiz eta Charles S. Peirce filosofo estatubatuarra izan, batzuentzat handiena gainera, egiatan mugarik gabeko filosofoa izan zen. Peircek ikertzaileen senidetasun handi batean sinesten zuen, ezagutzaren bilaketa sakratuan bat egiten duen eta soilik itaunketaren bidea ez mozteko aginduari lotzen zaion senidetasunean. Asko poztuko luke Peirce XXI. mendearen hasieran haren lanen bilduma bat euskaraz argitaratuko zela jakiteak, logikarentzat interes berezia omen duen hizkuntza baita Peirceren ustez. Baina haren poz handiena zera jakitea litzateke, irakurle berriak sortu ahal izango zirela eta agian horietako batek haren pentsamenduaren norabideari helduko liokeela eta hura hobetzeko jenioa izango lukeela eta aurrera egiteko gai izango litzatekeela garai ilustratuago baten bila. See the original via the Wayback Machine. |
Español (Spanish): Artikulu eta hitzaldien bilduma (Colección de artículos y conferencias) ISBN: 84-96455-05-X Autor: Charles Sanders Peirce Traductor: Ibon Uribarri Zenekorta Prólogo: Nathan Houser Fecha Edición: 2005-07-08 Número de páginas: 416 Precio sin IVA: 28,55 € PVP: 27,45 € Resumen: Aunque Charles S. Peirce fue un filósofo estadounidense, para algunos el más importante, en realidad era un filósofo sin fronteras. Peirce creía en una gran comunidad de investigadores unidos en la sagrada búsqueda del conocimiento y sometidos únicamente a la promesa de no bloquear nunca el camino de la investigación. Hubiera sido una gran satisfacción para Peirce saber que a principios del siglo XXI una selección de sus escritos sería editada en vasco, una lengua a la que Peirce atribuía características que la convertían en interesante para la lógica. Pero su mayor satisfacción hubiera sido saber que había nuevos lectores de su obra y que quizás uno de ellos llegaría a capturar el sentido de su pensamiento y tendría la capacidad para mejorarlo y avanzar en la búsqueda de un periodo más ilustrado. See the original via the Wayback Machine. |
English: Artikulu eta hitzaldien bilduma (Selected writings) ISBN: 84-96455-05-X Author: Charles Sanders Peirce Translator: Ibon Uribarri Zenekorta Prologue: Nathan Houser Edition date: 2005-07-08 Pages: 416 Price whithout IVA: 28,55 € Price: 27,45 € Resume: Even though Charles S. Peirce was an American philosopher, some would say the greatest American philosopher, he was really a philosopher without borders. Peirce believed in a great brotherhood and sisterhood of investigators joined to one another in the sacred quest for knowledge and bound only by the pledge never to block the way of inquiry. It would have given Peirce much satisfaction to have known that early in the 21st century a collection of his writings would appear in the Basque language, a language Peirce believed had special qualities of interest for logic. But his principal satisfaction would have been the knowledge that new readers might come forward and that perhaps one of them would catch the drift of his thought and have the genius to improve on it and carry it forward in the quest for a more enlightened time. See the original via the Wayback Machine. |
There was recently published in the Basque Country the first edition of Peirce's texts translated into Basque. The book, entitled "Peirce. Artikulu hitzaldien bilduma eta" ("Peirce. Collection of articles and lectures") has been promoted by Professor Andoni Ibarra and sponsored among others by the University of the Basque Country and the University of Deusto, and has been published in a collection ("Klasikoak") of translations of the most important philosophers most important to the Euskara or Basques. The volume includes the translation of 16 essential texts of Peirce, including some as well known as "The Fixation of Belief" (1877), "How to Make Our Ideas Clear" (1878), "The Architecture of Theories" (1891) and "Evolutionary Love" (1893).
This collection also features a foreword by Nathan Houser, director of Peirce Edition Project (Indianapolis), attached also in Spanish version. Houser writes: "It may be that the pioneering work of Peirce, perhaps especially his later works so full of ideas, finally flourish in an influential legacy that, as Peirce imagined at hopeful moments, would be his legacy for the future. Perhaps this Basque edition of some of hia most important items will help achieve that goal."
As a curious note it may be pointed out that, as Jaime Nubiola studied, Peirce passed through Irun in his journey in 1870 and heard Basque, a language that seemed unrelated to any other. Basque appears several times in Peirce's writings, identified as a non-Indo-European language, specifically in two letters to Lady Welby (of October 12, 1904 and January 31, 1909) and at least four different lists of names of the first ten numbers in different languages that are preserved among his manuscripts (MS 1248, 1249, 1251 and 1590).
Congratulations to Professor Ibarra and all Basque-speakers on this milestone in the international reception of Charles S. Peirce.